
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

retrieve restore 660 acquire 775 retriever dog 366 retroaction counteraction 179 recoil 277 regression 283 retroactive past 122 retrocession reversion 145 regression 283 recession 287 retroflexion 218 retrograde contrary 14 moving back 283 recession 287 deteriorated 659 relapsing 661 retrogression regression 283 deterioration 659 relapse 661 retrorse 145 retrospection past 122 reversion 145 thought 451 memory 505 retroussé 201, 307 retroversion 218 retrude 289 return list 86 repeat 104 periodic 138 reverse 145 recoil 277 regression 283 arrival 292 answer 462 report 551 relapse 661 appoint 755 profit 775 restore 790 proceeds 810 reward 973 in – compensation 30 – thanks gratitude 916 worship 990 – the compliment interchange 148 retaliate 718 – to the original state 660 reunion junction 43 réunion assemblage 72 concord 714 point de – 74 social – 892 reveal 529 – itself 446 reveille 550 revel amuse 840 dissipation 954 – in enjoy 377 revelation discovery 480a disclosure 529 theological 985 Revelation 985 reveler 840 drunkard 959 reveling disorder 59 rejoicing 838 revelry 954 revenant 361, 980a revendicate claim 741 acquisition 775 due 924 revenge 919 breathe – anger 900 revenue 810 means 632 – cutter 273 reverberate recoil 277 sound 408 reverbatory 386 revere love 897 respect 928 piety 987 revered sage 500 reverence title 877 respect 928 piety 987 clergy 996 reverenced 500 reverend title 877 clergy 996 – sir 130 reverent pious 987 worship 990 reverential respectful 928 reverie train of thought 451 inattention 458 imagination 515 reversal inversion 218 revolution 607 irresolute 605 reverse contrary 14 return 145 inversion 218of a medal 235 anteposition 237 adversity 735 abrogate 756 cards 840 – of the shield 468 reverseless 150 reversible reversion [see reverse] posteriority 117 return 145 possession 777 property 780 succession 783 remitter 790 reversioner 779 reversis 840 revert repeat 104 return 145 turn back 283 revest 790 – to 457 revest 790 reviction 660 review consider 457 inquiry 461 judge 480 recall 505 dissertation 595 compendium 596 revise 658 parade 882 reviewer 480, 595 revile abuse 932 blaspheme 988 reviler 936 revise copy 21 consider 457 printing 591 plan 626 edit 658 revising barrister 967 revision 658 under – 673 revisit 186 revival reproduction 163 life 359 restoration 660 worship 990 revivalist 996 revive reproduce 163 refresh 658 resuscitate 660 excite 824 revivify reproduce 163 life 359 resuscitate 660 revocable 605 revocation 536 revoke recant 607 cancel 756 (deny 536) (refuse 764) revolt contrariety 14 revolution 146 resist 719 disobey 742 shock 830 disapproval 932 – against hate 898 – at the idea dissent 489 revolting painful 830 revolution periodicity 138 change 146 rotation 312 revolutionary 146, 742 revolutionize 140, 146 revolve [see revolution] – in the mind 451 revolver 727 revulsion reversion 145 revolution 146 inversion 218 recoil 277 revulsive 276 revulsively 145 reward 30, 973 reword 104 rewriting 21 Reynard animal 366 cunning 702 rez de chaussée room 191 low 207 rhabdology 85 rhabdomancy 511 rhadamanthus judge 967 hell 982 rhamphoid 245 rhapsodical irregular 139 rhapsodist fanatic 504 poet 597 rhapsodize 497 rhapsody discontinuity 70 nonsense 497 fancy 515 rheometer 157 rhetoric speech 582 flowers of – 577 rheum excretion 299 fluidity 333 rheumatism 378 rhino 800 rhinoceros 366 – hide physically insensible 376 morally insensible 823 rhipidate 194 rhizanthous 367 rhododendron 845 rhomb 244 rhomboid 244 rhubarb 298 rhumb 278 rhyme [see rime &c.] rhythm periodicity 138 melody 413 elegance 578 verse 597 rhythmic 413, 578 rhythmical – style 578 riant 836 rib support 215 ridge 250 wife 903 ribald vulgar 851 disreputable 874 impure 961 ribaldry 908 ribband [see ribbon] ribbed furrowed 259 ribbon tie 45 filament 205 record 551 decoration 877 ribbons reins 752 ribroast 972 rice 330, 367 ricebird 298 rich savory 394 color 428 language 577 abundant 639 wealthy 803 beautiful 845 ornament 847 – gifts wax poor 907 – man 639, 803 riches 803 richly much 31 – deserve 924 rick accumulation 72 store 636