
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

ileum 221, 350 ilk 13 ill evil 619 badness 649 sick 655 as – luck would have it 135 bird of – omen 668 do an – office to 907 go on – fail 732 adversity 735 house of – fame 961 – at ease pain 828 dejection 837 – betide 908 – blood hate 898 malevolence 907 – humor anger 900 sullenness 901a – luck 735 – name 874 – off insufficient 640 adversity 735 poor 804 – repute 874 -s that flesh is heir to evil 619 disease 655 – temper 900 – turn evil 619 affront 900 spiteful 907 – usage 907 – will 907, 921 – wind bad 649 hindrance 706 adversity 735 look – 846 take – discontent 832 anger 900 ill-adapted 24 ill-advised foolish 499 inexpedient 647 unskillful 699 ill-affected 901a illapse conversion 144 ingress 294 illaqueate 545 ill-assorted 24 illation 480 illaudible 947 ill-behaved 895 ill-boding 512 ill-bred vulgar 851 rude 895 ill-conditioned bad 649 difficult 704 discourteous 895 malevolent 907 vicious 945 ill-conducted unskillful 699 ill-contrived inexpedient 647 bad 649 unskillful 699 malevolent 907 ill-defined 447 ill-devised foolish 499 unskillful 699 ill-digested 674 ill-disposed bad 649 sullen 901a spiteful 907 illegality 964 illegible 519 render – 552 – hand 590 illegitimate deceitful 545 undue 925 illegal 964 ill-fated 135, 735 ill-favored 395 ill-furnished 640 illiberal narrow-minded 481 stingy 819 uncourteous 895 selfish 943 bigoted 988 illicit undue 925 illegal 964 ill-imagined foolish 499 unskillful 699 illimited 105 ill-intentioned 907 illiteracy 491 illiterate 491, 493 ill-judged foolish 499 unskillful 699 ill-judging 481 ill-made distorted 243 ugly 846 ill-mannered vulgar 851 rude 895 ill-marked invisible 447 ill-natured 907 illogical sophistical 477 erroneous 495 ill-omened untoward 135 danger 605 adverse 735 hopeless 859 ill-proportioned 243 ill-provided 640 ill-qualified 699 ill-requited 917 ill-rewarded 917 ill-shaped ugly 846 ill-spent 646 ill-starred 135, 735 ill-tempered 901 ill-timed 135 illtreat bad 649 severe 739 malevolent 907 illuminant 388, 420 illuminate enlighten 420 color 428 comment 595 ornament 847 illuminati 492 illumination [see illuminate] book illustration 558 celebration 883 illumine lighten 420 excite 824 ill-use 907 ill-used 828 illusion fallacy of vision 443 error 495 illusive unsubstantial 4 sophistical 477 erroneous 495 deceitful 545, 546 illusory [see illusive] illustrate exemplify 82 interpret 522 represent 554 engravings 558 ornament 847 illustrious 873 image likeness 17 appearance 448 idea 453 metaphor 521 representation 554 graven – idol 991 – in the mind 453 imagery fancy 515 metaphor 521 representation 554 imaginable 470 imaginary non-existing 2 fancied 515 – quantity 84 imagination 515 imaginative 515 imaum prince 745 priest 996 imbecile incapable 158 ignorant 493 foolish 499 fool 501 imbecility impotence 158 folly 499 unmeaningness 517 imbed locate 184 base 215 insert 300 imbedded 229 imbibe 296 – learning 539 imbibitory 296 imbrangle 61 imbricate 223 imbrication 223 imbroglio disorder 59 difficulty 704 discord 713 imbrue impregnate 300 moisten 339 – one’s hands in blood killing 361 war 722 – the soul 824 imbue mix 41 impregnate 300 moisten 339 tinge 428 teach 537 imbued combination 48 affections 820 – with belief 484 habit 613 feeling 821 imburse 803 imitate copy 19 appropriate 788 imitation copying 19 copy 21 representation 554 misrepresentation 555 imitative imitating 19 music 415 imitator 19 immaculate perfect 650, 847 clean 652 innocent 946 (excellent 648) immanence 5 immanent 5, 132 Immanity 907 immanuel 976 immaterial unsubstantial 4 immaterialist 317 immateriality spiritual 317 trifling 643 immaterialize 317 immature new 123 unprepared 674 immeasurable great 31 infinite 105 immediate continuous 69 immediately instantly 113 early 132 immedicable 859 immelodious 414 immemorial 124 from time – 122 – usage 613 immense great 31 infinite 105size 192 immensity infinity 105 size 192 immerge introduce 300 dip 337 immerse insert 300 submerge 310 dip 337 immersed in 229 immersion [see immerse] baptism 998 immesh 545 immethodical 59, 139 immigrant alien 57 traveler 268 entering 294 immigration migration 266 entrance 294