The Poems of John Donne
And therefore what thou wert, and who, / I bid love ask, and now / That it assume thy body, I allow, / And fix itself in thy lips, eyes, and brow.
Air and Angels, ll. 11–14.

The Poems of John Donne

Edited by E. K. Chambers With an Introduction by George Saintsbury

This expertly edited two-volume edition of the master of metaphysical poetry features modernized spellings and extensive notes.

Bibliographic Record Introduction Author Biography



The Printer to the Understanders
To The Right Honourable William Lord Craven
Hexastichon Bibliopolae
Hexastichon ad Bibliopolam
To John Donne
Songs and Sonnets
The Flea
The Good-Morrow
Song: Go and catch a falling star
Woman’s Constancy
The Undertaking
The Sun Rising
The Indifferent
Love’s Usury
The Canonization
The Triple Fool
Lovers’ Infiniteness
Song: Sweetest love, I do not go
The Legacy
A Fever
Air and Angels
Break of Day
[Another of the same]
The Anniversary
A Valediction of my Name, in the Window
Twickenham Garden
Valediction to his Book
Love’s Growth
Love’s Exchange
Confined Love
The Dream
A Valediction of Weeping
Love’s Alchemy
The Curse
The Message
A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy’s Day, being the Shortest Day
Witchcraft by a Picture
The Bait
The Apparition
The Broken Heart
A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
The Ecstacy
Love’s Deity
Love’s Diet
The Will
The Funeral
The Blossom
The Primrose
The Relic
The Damp
The Dissolution
A Jet Ring Sent
Negative Love
The Prohibition
The Expiration
The Computation
The Paradox
Song: Soul’s joy, now I am gone
Farewell to Love
A Lecture upon the Shadow
A Dialogue between Sir Henry Wotton and Mr. Donne
The Token
Epithalamions, or Marriage Songs
On the Lady Elizabeth and Count Palatine
Eclogue: at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset
Epithalamion Made at Lincoln’s Inn
I.  Jealousy
II.  The Anagram
III.  Change
IV.  The Perfume
V.  His Picture
VI.  “O, let me not serve so, as those men serve
VII.  “Nature’s lay idiot, I taught thee to love
VIII.  The Comparison
IX.  The Autumnal
X.  The Dream
XI.  The Bracelet
XII.  “Come, Fates; I fear you not!
XIII.  His Parting from Her
XIV.  Julia
XV.  A Tale of a Citizen and his Wife
XVI.  The Expostulation
XVII.  Elegy on his Mistress
XVIII.  “The heavens rejoice in motion
XIX.  “Whoever loves, if he do not propose
XX.  To his Mistress Going to Bed
Divine Poems
 To the E[arl] of D[oncaster], with Six Holy Sonnets
1.  La Corona
2.  Annunciation
3.  Nativity
4.  Temple
5.  Crucifying
6.  Resurrection
7.  Ascension
 To the Lady Magdalen Herbert
    Holy Sonnets
I.  “Thou hast made me, and shall Thy work decay?”
II.  “As due by many titles I resign
III.  “O! might those sighs and tears return again
IV.  “O, my black soul, now thou art summoned
V.  “I am a little world made cunningly
VI.  “This is my play’s last scene; here heavens appoint
VII.  “At the round earth’s imagined comers blow
VIII.  “If faithful souls be alike glorified
IX.  “If poisonous minerals, and if that tree
X.  “Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
XI.  “Spit in my face, you Jews, and pierce my side
XII.  “Why are we by all creatures waited on?”
XIII.  “What if this present were the world’s last night?”
XIV.  “Batter my heart, three-person’d God
XV.  “Wilt thou love God as He thee?”
XVI.  “Father, part of His double interest
The Cross
Resurrection, Imperfect
The Annunciation and Passion
Good Friday, 1613, Riding Westward
A Litany
Upon the Translation of the Psalms by Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke, His Sister
Ode: Vengeance will Sit above our Faults
To Mr. Tilman after he had Taken Orders
A Hymn to Christ
The Lamentations of Jeremy
Hymn to God, my God, in my Sickness
A Hymn to God the Father
To George Herbert
A Sheaf of Snakes Used heretofore to be my Seal
Translated out of Gazæus
Notes to Volume I.
Letters to Several Personages
To Mr. Christopher Brooke: The Storm
To Mr. Christopher Brooke: The Calm
To Sir Henry Wotton
To Sir Henry Goodyere
To Mr. Rowland Woodward
To Sir Henry Wotton
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Countess of Bedford
To Sir Edward Herbert
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Countess of Bedford, on New Year’s Day
To the Countess of Huntingdon
To M[r]. I[zaak] W[alton]
To M[r]. T. W.
To M[r]. T. W.
To M[r]. C[hristopher] B[rooke]
To M[r]. S[amuel] B[rooke]
To M[r]. B[asil] B[rooke]
To M[r]. R[owland] W[oodward]
To M[r]. I. L.
To M[r]. I. P.
To Sir Henry Wotton, at his going Ambassador to Venice
To M[rs]. M[agdalen] H[erbert]
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Countess of Huntingdon
To the Countess of Bedford
A Letter to the Lady Carey, and Mistress Essex Rich, from Amiens
To the Countess of Salisbury
To the Lady Bedford
Sappho to Philænis
To Ben Jonson
To Sir Tho. Rowe
De Libro cum mutuaretur: Doctissimo Amicissimoque v. D. D. Andrews
Commendatory Verses
Upon Mr. Thomas Coryat’s Crudities
Amicissimo et meritissimo Benj: Jonson: in Volponem
Epicedes and Obsequies upon the Death of Sundry Personages
Elegy upon the Untimely Death of the Incomparable Prince Henry
Obsequies of the Lord Harrington
Elegy on the Lady Markham
Elegy on Mistress Boulstred
Elegy on Mistress Boulstred
Elegy on the L[ord] C[hancellor]
A Hymn to the Saints, and to Marquis Hamilton
Elegy on Himself
An Anatomy of the World
    The First Anniversary
To the Praise of the Dead, and the Anatomy: [By Joseph Hall]
An Anatomy of the World: The First Anniversary
A Funeral Elegy
    The Second Anniversary
The Harbinger to the Progress: [By Joseph Hall]
An Anatomy of the World; or, the Progress of the Soul: The Second Anniversary
The Progress of the Soul
The Progress of the Soul: First Song
I.  “Away, thou changeling motley humourist
II.  “Sir, though—I thank God for it—I do hate
III.  Of Religion
IV.  “Well; I may now receive, and die
V.  “Thou shalt not laugh in this leaf, Muse
VI.  “Men write that love and reason disagree
VII.  To Sir Nicholas Smyth
Notes to Volume II.
    A. Doubtful Poems
Love’s War
On a Flea on his Mistress’s Bosom
The Portrait
Love-Sonnet (I.)
Love-Sonnet (II.)
A Warning
To the Young Gentlewomen
Believe your Glass
Fortune never Fails
To Mrs. Boulstred
To a Painted Lady
Love’s Power
Love and Reason
To a Lady of a Dark Complexion
Supping Hours
The Smith
The Lady and her Viol
A Paradox
Sun, Begone
If She Deride
Love and Wit
Dr. Donne’s Farewell to the World
Notes to Doubtful Poems
    B. Poems hitherto Uncollected
[To the Blessed Virgin Mary]
To my Lord of Pembroke
Of a Lady in the Black Mask
A Letter written by Sir H[enry] G[oodyere] and J[ohn] D[onne], alternis vicibus
To the Author [Thomas Coryat]
In Eundem Macaronicum
On Friendship
The Constant Lover
[An Ideal]
The Lie
[True Love]
Notes to Poems hitherto Uncollected
    C. Spurious Poems
    D. The “Sheaf of Epigrams” of 1652
    E. Ignatius his Conclave
    F. Lines Introductory to Devotions upon Emergent Occasions