John Donne (1572–1631). The Poems of John Donne. 1896.
Appendix F. Lines Introductory to Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
SINCE Appendix B was written, Dr. Grosart has kindly called my attention to another poem, to which Donne seems to have some claim. It is the English version of the Latin lines prefixed to his Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. This book was written after his illness in 1623, and first published in 1624. The English version is written on two blank leaves before the title-page of a copy of the third edition of the Devotions (1627), in Dr. Grosart’s possession, and Dr. Grosart is convinced that they are in Donne’s handwriting. I append both the Latin and the English versions.
Stationes sine Periodi in Morbo, ad quas referuntur Meditationes sequentes.
1. Insultus morbi primus;2. Post, actio laesa;3. Decubitus sequitur tandem;4. Medicusque vocatur;5. Solus adest; 6. Metuit;7. Socios sibi iungitur instat;8. Et rex ipse suum mittit;9. Medicamina scribunt;10. Lente et serpenti sataguntoccurrere morbo,11. Nobilibusque trahunt,a cincto corde, venenum.Succis, et gemmis, et quægenerosa ministrantArs, et Natura, instillant;12. Spirante columbaSupposita pedibus, reuocanturad ima vapores;13. Atque malum genium,numeroso stigmate, fassus,Pellitur ad pectus, morbiquesuburbia, morbus:14. Idque notant criticismedici euenisse diebus.15. Interea insomnes noctesego duco diesque;16. Et properare meum clamante turre propinquaObstreperae campanae, aliorumin funere, funus.17. Nunc lento sonitu dicunt,Morieris. 18. At inde,Mortuus es, sonitu celeri,pulsuque agitato.19. Oceano tandem emenso,aspicienda resurgitTerra; vident iustis medici,iam cocta mederiSe posse iudiciis, 20. Id agunt21. Atque annuit Ille,Qui per eos clamat, Linquasiam Lazare lectum;22. Sit morbi fomes tibicura; 23. Metusque relabi.The Stations or Periods in the Disease to which are Referred the Meditations following.
1. Sickness’ first grudge: 2. Sensesand action fall:3. We take our bed: 4. And thephysician call:5. He comes alone: 6. Fears:7. Craves more may unite:8. The king himself sends his:9. They medicines write:10. They strive my grief asslowly to oppose,As, slowly and insensibly,it grows.11. Still’d juices, and consortedpearls; what Art,Or Nature can, are used,to keep the heartFrom quick infection: 12.By a dying doveThe vapours downward tothe feet remove—13. Th’ ingenuous sickness onmy spotted breastHis kind and his malignityconfess’d;14. This too, the set daysCritical discover;15. Meanwhile I sleeplessnights and days pass over;16. And, from the adjoining tower,the noise of bellsFor others’ funeralsMine own foretells:17. Soft gentle tolling, now, saysThou must die;18. Thou’rt dead, proclaimsthe ringing out, by and bye.19. At length the earth out of thesea doth rise,And the physicians, fromjust grounds, surmiseThey may with drugs fightthe weak enemy;20. They purge. 21. He prosperswho by them doth cry,Now Lazarus, leave thy bed:22. Wisely take care,Of thy disease’s fuel;23. Relapse fear.