When dreamless rest is mine I shall not need / The tenderness for which I long to-night. |
—‘If I should die to-night,’ ll. 31–2. |
Arabella E. Smith |
The Book of Sorrow
Edited by Andrew Macphail
This unique anthology of 528 classified selections span the complete spectrum of the darker mood in poetic expression.
I. Serenity |
In Memoriam R. G. C. B., 1878 by William Ernest Henley |
Chorus from ‘Medea’ by Lord de Tabley (John Byrne Leicester Warren) |
Death by George Pellew |
In Beechwood Cemetery by Archibald Lampman |
‘Fear no more the heat o’ the sun’ by William Shakespeare |
‘As sometimes in a dead man’s face’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
‘Do we indeed desire the dead’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Memories of Lincoln by Walt Whitman |
‘Sleep is a death’ by Sir Thomas Browne |
Beside the Dead by Ina Donna Coolbrith |
I. M. Margaritae Sororis, 1886 by William Ernest Henley |
From ‘The Daemon of the world’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Life and Death by Sir William Davenant |
II. Rest |
Rest by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
One Dead by John William Inchbold |
‘As thus Oppressed’ by Henry Kirke White |
Buona Notte by Francis Thompson |
‘And more, to lulle him in his slumber soft’ by Edmund Spenser |
Waiting for the Morning by John Henry Newman |
Tears—Anonymous |
Ex humo—Anonymous |
‘Where shall the lover rest’ by Sir Walter Scott |
Dirge by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
When we are all asleep by Robert Buchanan |
III. Oblivion |
To the Forgotten Dead by Margaret L. Woods |
Gentlemen-Rankers by Rudyard Kipling |
Death by Archibald Lampman |
The Death of Puck by Eugene Lee-Hamilton |
Sonnet: ‘No more these passion-worn faces shall men’s eyes’ by Oliver Madox Brown |
Sic Vita by Henry King |
Madrigal by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
‘Come, heavy souls, oppressèd with the weight’ by William Strode |
‘Slow, slow, fresh fount, keep time with my salt tears’ by Ben Jonson |
‘Alas! alas! when in a garden fair’ by Moschus |
Rondeau by Henry Austin Dobson |
‘Come, fill the Cup, and in the fire of Spring’ by Edward Fitzgerald |
IV. Inevitable |
Death the Leveller by James Shirley |
Warwick’s Death by William Shakespeare |
‘Were I a King’ by Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford |
The Genius of Death by George Croly |
Upon a Funeral by Sir John Beaumont |
The Night Cometh by John McCrae |
‘O Sorrow, alas, sith Sorrow is thy name’ by Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset |
The Pastime of Pleasure, Cap. xli by Stephen Hawes |
Inscription in Melrose Abbey—Anonymous |
From ‘Elegy written in a Country Churchyard’ by Thomas Gray |
‘The mad days that I have spent’ by William Shakespeare |
‘Come, cheerful day’ by Thomas Campion |
Upon a Passing Bell by Thomas Washbourne |
From ‘Elegy to the Memory of an unfortunate Lady’ by Alexander Pope |
Three Poems. i. The Flute by Florence Randal Livesay |
ii. Storm by Florence Randal Livesay |
iii. The Recruit by Florence Randal Livesay |
Of Man’s Mortalitie. 1629 by Simon Wastell (?) |
All things will die by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Virtue by George Herbert |
To Daffodils by Robert Herrick |
The Hour of Death by Felicia Dorothea Hemans |
A Dirge by John Webster |
Go, lovely Rose by Edmund Waller |
In Time of Pestilence, 1593 by Thomas Nashe |
Lament for the Makaris by William Dunbar |
V. The Sting of Death |
The Dying Christian to His Soul by Alexander Pope |
‘Timor Mortis conturbat me’ by Sir Noël Paton |
The Great Misgiving by William Watson |
Death by Thomas Hood |
VI. The Grave’s Triumph |
The Grave by Robert Blair |
Sonnet: ‘Ye hasten to the grave! What seek ye there’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Sonnet: ‘As, in a dusky and tempestuous night’ by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
The Choice by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
‘Be absolute for death; either death or life’ by William Shakespeare |
‘O Earth! art thou not weary’ by Julia C. R. Dorr |
At an Unmarked Mound by Alexander Macphail |
A Saxon Epitaph by Marjorie L. C. Pickthall |
In Autumn by Arthur Reed Ropes (“Adrian Ross”) |
VII. The Tyrant |
Coelia’s Speech, in the Tragedy of Croesus by William Alexander, Earl of Stirling |
The Rose by Sir Richard Fanshawe |
In Praise of Chaucer by Thomas Hoccleve |
Life and Death, 1460?—Anonymous |
From ‘To the Memory of Mrs. Anne Killigrew’ by John Dryden |
VIII. Victory |
Death by John Donne |
Sonnet: ‘Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth’ by William Shakespeare |
Epitaph on the Countess Dowager of Pembroke by William Browne |
On his Friend, Joseph Rodman Drake by Fitz-Greene Halleck |
To my Friend F. A. B. by Beatrice Cregan |
On his own Death by Walter Savage Landor |
Lieut. Warneford, V.C. by Bowyer Nichols |
Finis by Walter Savage Landor |
IX. The Sadness of It |
The Sad Day by Thomas Flatman |
‘Come not, when I am dead’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
In the Shadows by David Gray |
‘If I should die to-night’ by Arabella E. Smith |
‘When I beneath the cold red earth am sleeping’ by William Motherwell |
On Molière by Andrew Lang |
Requiescat by Rosamund Marriott Watson |
‘Come away, come away, death’ by William Shakespeare |
The Soldier’s Death-bed by Felicia Dorothea Hemans |
The Young Girl by Andrew Macphail |
X. The Pity of It |
The Mother who died too by Edith Matilda Thomas |
Mimma Bella by Eugene Lee-Hamilton |
The Land of Dreams by William Blake |
‘When Bessie died’ by James Whitcomb Riley |
‘Child of a day’ by Walter Savage Landor |
Epitaph on Salathiel Pavy by Ben Jonson |
Upon a Child by Robert Herrick |
On the Death of a fair Infant by John Milton |
On an Infant dying as soon as born by Charles Lamb |
Afterwards by Duncan Campbell Scott |
Sonnet: ‘Sweet soul, which in the April of thy years’ by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
Of my dear son Gervase by Sir John Beaumont |
We too shall sleep by Archibald Lampman |
Casa Wappy by David Macbeth Moir |
To the Memory of Elizabeth Nevell by Sir John Beaumont |
‘O God, to Thee I yield’ by Thomas Edward Brown |
‘Is the Grave deep, Dear?’ by Richard Realf |
Vespers by Thomas Edward Brown |
From ‘Venus and Adonis’ by William Shakespeare |
From ‘The Princess’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Vesta by John Greenleaf Whittier |
Hester by Charles Lamb |
Evelyn Hope by Robert Browning |
On a Dead Child by Robert Bridges |
The Water-nymph and the Boy by Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel |
The Sands of Dee by Charles Kingsley |
From ‘Tommy ’s dead’ by Sydney Dobell |
The Widow’s Lament by James Hogg |
The Hebrew Mother by Felicia Dorothea Hemans |
Dirge by Edith (Nesbit) Bland |
The Dead Child by George Barlow |
On a Locket, with lock of hair of Penelope his child by Sir Brooke Boothby |
Graves of Infants by John Clare |
On a Dead Child by Richard Middleton |
A Machine Hand by Thomas Ashe |
XI. O Come Quickly |
‘Never weather-beaten sail more willing bent to shore’ by Thomas Campion |
‘Take me, Mother Earth, to thy cold breast’ by Anna Brownell Jameson |
To Death by Robert Herrick |
Brother Death by Edward Dowden |
Euthanasia by Richard Crashaw |
A Cry by Herbert Edwin Clarke |
Requiem by Robert Louis Stevenson |
In Memoriam G. O.—A Sussex Peasant by A. C. Steele |
‘Go away, Death’ by Alfred Austin |
To Death by Caroline Bowles Southey |
‘O Death, rocke me on sleep’ by George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford (?) |
Obviam by Thomas Edward Brown |
Reunited by Sir Gilbert Parker |
Prospice by Robert Browning |
Madrigal by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
Sonnet: ‘Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now’ by William Shakespeare |
Sonnet: ‘If I might choose where my tired limbs shall lie’ by John Anster |
On the Death of William Aikman by James Thomson |
A Contemplation upon Flowers by Henry King |
From ‘Thanatopsis’ by William Cullen Bryant |
XII. Love and Death |
‘Trust thou thy Love’ by John Ruskin |
Death-in-Love by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
Love, Time, and Death by Frederick Locker-Lampson |
Illusion by Andrew Macphail |
Severed Selves by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
Lovesight by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
The death in Paris of Jane Sophia, Countess de Molandè by Walter Savage Landor |
A Symphonic Study by Emma Lazarus |
Youth and Death by Emma Lazarus |
Hic Jacet by Louise Chandler Moulton |
Sonnet: ‘Tir’d with all these, for restful death I cry’ by William Shakespeare |
Not Thou but I by Philip Bourke Marston |
‘When Death to either shall come’ by Robert Bridges |
‘Grieve not, dear Love’ by John Digby, Earl of Bristol |
‘Remain, ah not in youth alone’ by Walter Savage Landor |
‘Who shall go first’—Anonymous |
To Castara by William Habington |
A Widow’s Hymn by George Wither |
‘Hélas! que ton mari’ by de Porchères |
An Epitaph upon husband and wife who died and were buried together by Richard Crashaw |
From ‘The Relique’ by John Donne |
Sweet Willie and Fair Annie—Anonymous |
From ‘Exequy on his Wife’ by Henry King |
Upon the death of Sir Albertus Morton’s wife by Sir Henry Wotton |
XIII. Farewell |
The Cossack goes to War by Florence Randal Livesay |
Pain and Time strive not by William Morris |
Farewell by Coventry Patmore |
Remember by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
Song: ‘When I am dead, my dearest’ by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
Sonnet: ‘No longer mourn for me when I am dead’ by William Shakespeare |
A Voice from afar by John Henry Newman |
‘Fare thee well, great heart’ by William Shakespeare |
Adieu by Thomas Carlyle |
Song: ‘Girls, when I am gone away’ by Edward Dowden |
Messages by Francis Thompson |
The Land o’ the Leal by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne |
Dirge of the Gipsies by Sir Walter Scott |
From ‘Life’ by Anna Letitia Barbauld |
The Spring of the Year by Allan Cunningham |
‘Softly woo away her breath’ by Bryan Waller Procter (Barry Cornwall) |
The last word by Matthew Arnold |
From ‘The Fair Maid of Perth’ by Sir Walter Scott |
XIV. This Is Thy Hour |
A clear Midnight by Walt Whitman |
Requiescat by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Dying by Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel |
A Quiet Soul by John Oldham |
Eternity by Robert Herrick |
The last invocation by Walt Whitman |
‘How oft when men are at the point of death’ by William Shakespeare |
Madrigal by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
‘Leave me, O Love’ by Sir Philip Sidney |
XV. Protest |
A Question by John Millington Synge |
Dora by Thomas Edward Brown |
‘Why this waste?’ by John White Chadwick |
On one who died in May by Clarence Chatham Cook |
From ‘The Princess’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
A Prayer by James Russell Lowell |
A Death-Scene by Emily Brontë |
XVI. Crossed Hands and Closed Eyes |
The Death-bed by Thomas Hood |
A Death-bed by James Aldrich |
Reply by Hartley Coleridge |
After Death by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
The Master’s Call by Henry Alford |
Dirge by Felicia Dorothea Hemans |
Requiescat by Matthew Arnold |
If I had known by Adelaide D. Rollston |
Not Lost by Thomas S. Collyer |
Asleep by William Winter |
‘In the dim chamber’ by John Hay |
On the Death of Coleridge by Washington Allston |
The Silver Bridge by Elizabeth Akers Allen |
White Roses by Ernest Rhys |
An Epitaph by Andrew Marvell |
‘O Captain! My Captain!’ by Walt Whitman |
New-Mown Hay by Andrew Macphail |
In Death by Mary Emily Bradley |
Epitaph intended for himself by James Beattie |
Translated from Chiabrera by William Wordsworth |
Epitaph on a Jacobite by Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay |
From ‘Maud’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
For Annie by Edgar Allan Poe |
I am Content by Andrew Macphail |
XVII. Bereavement |
Substitution by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
From ‘Talamon and Arcite’ by Geoffrey Chaucer |
From ‘Venus and Adonis’ by William Shakespeare |
From ‘To J. S.’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
‘’Tis well; ’tis something; we may stand’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
The last Smile by John Ruskin |
The Women of France by Mary Linda Bradley |
XVIII. The Great Mystery |
The Soliloquy of Cato by Joseph Addison |
The Thought of Death by John Addington Symonds |
Lucy by William Wordsworth |
Sonnet: ‘The hand of Death lay heavy on her eyes’ by John Moultrie |
He and I by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
The Future Life by William Cullen Bryant |
To a Friend by William Caldwell Roscoe |
From ‘The White Moth’ by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch |
The Black Portals by Lloyd Mifflin |
‘Where Lies the Land’ by Hall Caine |
Plaint by Ebenezer Elliott |
The Choice by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
To a Mistress Dying by Sir William Davenant |
XIX. The Shrouding |
Song of the Shroud by Alma Strettell |
A Lyke-wake Dirge—Anonymous |
From ‘The Duchess of Malfi’ by John Webster |
The Farewell to the Dead by Felicia Dorothea Hemans |
To Bearers by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch |
The Funeral by John Donne |
To Perilla by Robert Herrick |
XX. The Burial |
Ye have forgotten the Exhortation by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
Laus Deo by Sydney Dobell |
Under the Violets by Oliver Wendell Holmes |
Messmates by Sir Henry John Newbolt |
An Old Song by Alma Strettell |
From ‘Drum Taps’ by Walt Whitman |
The Burial of Sir John Moore by Charles Wolfe |
Dirge for a Soldier by George Henry Boker |
Isandhlwana by John McCrae |
Death Song by Robert Stephen Hawker |
XXI. Interlude: Epochs by Emma Lazarus |
i. Surprise |
ii. Grief |
iii. Loneliness |
iv. Sympathy |
v. Patience |
vi. Hope |
vii. Compensation |
viii. Faith |
ix. Work |
x. Victory |
XXII. Irrevocable |
A Leave-taking by Algernon Charles Swinburne |
The Unreturning by Bliss Carman |
‘Break, break, break’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
A Lament by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
From ‘Epipsychidion’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
Song: ‘That zephyr every year’ by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
From ‘Threnody’ by Ralph Waldo Emerson |
From ‘Thyrsis’ by Matthew Arnold |
XXIII. Grief |
‘Forgive my grief for one removed’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Song: ‘Have pitty, Griefe: I can not pay’ by Peter Hausted |
Grief by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
‘I have no wealth of grief’ by Lucy Knox |
From ‘Sonnets in Shadow’ by Arlo Bates |
‘Weep, Lovers, sith Love’s very self doth weep’ by Dante Alighieri |
To Sir Philip Sidney’s soul by Henry Constable |
XXIV. Bitter Sorrow |
Tears by Walt Whitman |
From ‘Adonais’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
‘They Said’ by Lucy Larcom |
The Mask by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
‘Why sighest thou?’ by Cino da Pistoia |
In Memoriam (Theodor Körner) by Christoph August Tiedge |
On One who died discovering her kindness by John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire |
Rose Aylmer by Walter Savage Landor |
Dirge by John Ford |
On the Picture of a Lady by John Hamilton Reynolds |
‘One writes, that “Other friends remain”’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
From ‘The Widow on Windermere side’ by William Wordsworth |
Lament by Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel |
From ‘The Affliction of Margaret ——’ by William Wordsworth |
On the death of Joseph Addison by Thomas Tickell |
Death by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
From ‘A Noble Soldier’, 1634 by Samuel Rowley |
To Le Vayer, on the Death of his Son by Henry Austin Dobson |
The Marriage Feast by Andrew Macphail |
Grief by Francesco Redi |
To Chatterton by John Keats |
From ‘A Funeral Song’ by Nicholas Grimald |
Mariana by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Stabat Mater by Jacopone da Todi |
Edward Gray by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
XXV. Bitter Remembrance |
‘If I were dead’ by Coventry Patmore |
To his Mother, C. L. M. by John Masefield |
Departure by Coventry Patmore |
Bride chant by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
‘I in the greyness rose’ by Stephen Phillips |
The Dead by Mathilde Blind |
A Superscription by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
Separation by Walter Savage Landor |
Agonia by John Ruskin |
The Indian Maid’s Lament by John Logan |
XXVI. Melancholy |
The Desolate City by Wilfred Scawen Blunt |
From ‘The Nice Valour’ by John Fletcher |
From ‘The Two Noble Kinsmen’ by John Fletcher (?) |
From ‘The Knight of the Burning Pestle’ by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher |
The Last Wish by E. Robert Bulwer, Lord Lytton (Owen Meredith) |
From ‘Fair Helen of Kirconnell’—Anonymous (17th Century) |
From ‘On the death of William Hervey’ by Abraham Cowley |
Two Lovers by George Eliot (Mary Ann Cross) |
Paolo and Francesca by John Keats |
Ode on Melancholy by John Keats |
The Morrow’s Message by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
Dirge for Wolfram by Thomas Lovell Beddoes |
From ‘Rugby Chapel’ by Matthew Arnold |
In a Churchyard by Charlotte Smith |
Remembrance by Emily Brontë |
A Garden by the Sea by William Morris |
From ‘Aylmer’s Field’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
On the Death of Mr. Robert Levet, a Practiser in Physic by Samuel Johnson |
In Memoriam by Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton |
On the Death of Katharine Kingscourt by John Oldham |
On a vertuous young Gentlewoman who dyed suddenly by William Cartwright |
From ‘Elegy on the Lady Venetia Digby’ by Ben Jonson |
To Mary by Charles Wolfe |
First Snow by John Talon-Lespérance |
‘O Dearest, canst thou tell me why’ by Heinrich Heine |
His Lady’s Death by Pierre de Ronsard |
Nè per sereno ciel ir vaghe stelle by Petrarch (Francisco Petrarca) |
Gli occhi di ch’io parlai by Petrarch (Francisco Petrarca) |
Soleasi nel mio cor by Petrarch (Francisco Petrarca) |
Quanta invidia io ti porto by Petrarch (Francisco Petrarca) |
From ‘Hebrew Melodies’ by Lord Byron |
Under the Violets by Edward Young |
Epitaph on the Lady Mary Villiers by Thomas Carew |
Astophel by Edmund Spenser |
From ‘Britannia’s Pastorals’ by William Browne |
From ‘Daphnaida’ by Edmund Spenser |
Marvel of Marvels by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
Newborn Death by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
XXVII. Vain Longing |
The Lover in Winter Plaineth for the Spring—Anonymous |
From ‘Maud’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
‘If I could hold your hands’—Anonymous |
‘Tears, idle Tears’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Sonnet: ‘Sweet Spring, thou turn’st with all thy goodly train’ by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
The One Hope by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
Upon Castara’s Departure by William Habington |
‘Surprised by Joy’ by William Wordsworth |
‘She touches a sad string of soft recall’ by Sydney Dobell |
Lucy by William Wordsworth |
To his Friend in Elysium by Joachim du Bellay |
On the Death of Mr. West by Thomas Gray |
From ‘Sea-Drift’ by Walt Whitman |
XXVIII. Loneliness |
Stanzas—April, 1814 by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
‘Dark house, by which once more I stand’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
‘She only died last week’ by Katharine Tynan Hinkson |
The old familiar Faces by Charles Lamb |
‘It ’s an owercome sooth’ by Robert Louis Stevenson |
The Holy Tide by Frederick Tennyson |
Sonnet: ‘Lyke as a ship that through the Ocean wyde’ by Edmund Spenser |
To the Dead by William Bell Scott |
From ‘Amoris Victima’ by Arthur Symons |
‘The Night has a thousand Eyes’ by Francis William Bourdillon |
‘I found her not’ by Thomas Moore |
‘Here, ever since you went’ by Walter Savage Landor |
‘Mild is the parting year’ by Walter Savage Landor |
Years by Walter Savage Landor |
The Maid’s Lament by Walter Savage Landor |
‘They are all gone into the world of light’ by Henry Vaughan |
Without Her by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
The Wife a-lost by William Barnes |
A Shepherd Boy’s Song by William Browne |
Memory by William Browne |
‘Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
The Emigrant’s Lament by Helen Selina, Lady Dufferin Sheridan |
‘That lady of all gentle memories’ by Dante Alighieri |
XXIX. The Happy Dead |
Upon a Maid by Robert Herrick |
Upon a Child that died by Robert Herrick |
Life Hidden by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
Is it well with the Child? by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
Athulf’s Song by Thomas Lovell Beddoes |
Aspatia’s Song by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher |
‘Proud Maisie is in the wood’ by Sir Walter Scott |
Threnos by William Shakespeare |
Claribel by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
In a Garden by Henry Charles Beeching |
A Dirge by Robert Nicoll |
My Lady’s Grave by Emily Brontë |
A. S. P. by Stephen Phillips |
Barbara by Alexander Smith |
Requiescat by Oscar Wilde |
Lucy by William Wordsworth |
‘Heap cassia, sandal-buds and stripes’ by Robert Browning |
From ‘Epitaph on the Daughter of Sir Thomas Wentworth’ by Thomas Carew |
Dirge by Madison Cawein |
Minstrel’s Song in ‘Aella’ by Thomas Chatterton |
On the Death of Beaumont by John Fletcher |
Epitaph on Lady Mary Villiers by Thomas Carew |
Epitaph on Elizabeth L. H. by Ben Jonson |
Epitaph on Master Philip Gray by Ben Jonson |
Epitaph on Mrs. Clarke by Thomas Gray |
Epitaph on a Friend by Robert Burns |
The Grave of Shelley by Oscar Wilde |
Funeral Hymn from ‘Ivanhoe’ by Sir Walter Scott |
Ode, 1746 by William Collins |
Pierre by Maurice Baring |
The Winds by Ina Kitson Clark |
A Fragment by Felicia Dorothea Hemans |
God’s-Acre by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
XXX. Sweet Sorrow |
From ‘Lycidas’ by John Milton |
From ‘Ave atque vale’ by Algernon Charles Swinburne |
The Doleful Lay of Clorinda by Edmund Spenser |
To the immortal Memory of Lady Clifton by Sir John Beaumont |
Meditation by Charles Baudelaire |
Consolations in Bereavement by John Henry Newman |
Dirge in Cymbeline by William Collins |
‘O Sorrow, wilt thou live with me’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
‘O Sorrow’ by John Keats |
To the Memory of the most excellent Lady Jane, Countess of Perth by William Drummond of Hawthornden |
Maritae Suae by William Benjamin Philpot |
Highland Mary by Robert Burns |
XXXI. Tender Memory |
Song: ‘She’s somewhere in the sunlight strong’ by Richard Le Gallienne |
To ——— by Percy Bysshe Shelley |
‘Life knows no dead so beautiful’ by Joaquin Miller |
Sonnet: ‘Or I shall live your epitaph to make’ by William Shakespeare |
From ‘My Kate’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
‘O thou art put to many uses, sweet!’ by Stephen Phillips |
In June by Edward William Thomson |
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe |
‘O to recall!’ by Stephen Phillips |
In Memoriam F. A. S. by Robert Louis Stevenson |
XXXII. Visions |
Summer Dawn by William Morris |
On his deceased Wife by John Milton |
Song: ‘I made another garden, yea’ by Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy |
‘How pure at heart and sound in head’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Seraphine by Heinrich Heine |
On the Death of a pious Lady by Olof Wexionius |
Ode: ‘Tell me, thou soul of her I love’ by James Thomson |
From ‘The Blessed Damozel’ by Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
The Apparition by Stephen Phillips |
Dreams by Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (Sheridan) Norton |
‘I gaze into the dark’ by Jessie Fremont O’Donnell |
The Mother’s Dream by William Barnes |
From ‘William and Margaret’ by David Mallet |
‘If she but knew’ by Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy |
From ‘Greek Lament’ by Felicia Dorothea Hemans |
XXXIII. Resignation |
From ‘Discipline’ by George Herbert |
Sonnet: ‘I shall be faithful, though the weary years’ by George Henry Boker |
Sorrow by William Patrick McKenzie |
Comfort to a Youth that had lost his Love by Robert Herrick |
Dirge by Thomas Lovell Beddoes |
‘Strong Son of God, immortal Love’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
From ‘Balder Dead’ by Matthew Arnold |
Fading-Leaf and Fallen-Leaf by Richard Garnett |
In Memory of Edward Quillinan by Matthew Arnold |
From ‘The Queen of Corinth’ by John Fletcher |
From ‘Marpessa’ by Stephen Phillips |
From ‘Samson Agonistes’ by John Milton |
In Memory of Field-Marshal Earl Roberts by Owen Seaman |
XXXIV. Compensation |
‘I held it truth, with him who sings’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Sonnet: ‘They say that thou wert lovely on thy bier’ by William Sidney Walker |
Sonnet: ‘When to the sessions of sweet silent thought’ by William Shakespeare |
Heraclitus by William Johnson Cory |
Tears by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
‘I thought once how Theocritus had sung’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
Sonnet: ‘O blessèd be the tear that sadly rolled’ by Robert Roscoe |
Beauty’s Metempsychosis by William Watson |
On the Death of a Recluse by George Darley |
From ‘The Warrior to His Dead Bride’ by Adelaide Anne Procter |
From ‘In Memory of James T. Fields’ by John Greenleaf Whittier |
From ‘To One in Paradise’ by Edgar Allan Poe |
From ‘Beautiful Death’ by Stephen Phillips |
Sonnet: ‘One day I wrote her name vpon the strand’ by Edmund Spenser |
From ‘Pain’ by Thomas Edward Brown |
A Place of Burial in the South of Scotland by William Wordsworth |
On the Memory of Catherine Thomson, 1646 by John Milton |
Sorrow by Aubrey Thomas de Vere |
A Prayer of Petrarcke and of Laura—Anonymous |
‘In Love with Easeful Death’ by Mary E. Fletcher |
From ‘A Life Drama’ by Alexander Smith |
XXXV. Consolation |
‘Heart, my Heart’ by Heinrich Heine |
Influence of Time on Grief by William Lisle Bowles |
‘O mortall folke’ by Stephen Hawes |
To-day a Man, To-morrow None by Sir Walter Raleigh |
‘Drive such despaire away’ by Stephen Hawes |
Consolation by Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
Last Lines by Emily Brontë |
Epilogue to ‘Haworth Churchyard’ by Matthew Arnold |
Burial of the Dead by John Keble |
Readen ov a Head-Stwone by William Barnes |
On the Death of Colonel Bainbrigge’s Daughter, 1815 by Thomas Moore |
Stanzas for Music by Lord Byron |
‘Home they brought her Warrior Dead’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
‘This World is all a fleeting Show’ by Thomas Moore |
‘O Life, O Death, O World, O Time’ by Richard Chenevix Trench |
The Angel of Patience by John Greenleaf Whittier |
Up-hill by Christina Georgina Rossetti |
‘In the Hour of Death’ by Richard Doddridge Blackmore |