Andrew Macphail, comp. The Book of Sorrow. 1916.
Song: ‘Have pitty, Griefe: I can not pay’Peter Hausted (c. 1605–1644)
The tribute which I owe thee, teares;
Alas those Fountaines are growne dry,
And ’tis in vain to hope supply
For others’ eyes; for each man beares
Enough about him of his owne
To spend his stock of teares upon:
Wooe then the heavens, gentle Love,
To melt a Cloud for my reliefe,
Or wooe the Deepe or wooe the Grave,
Wooe what thou wilt so I may have
Wherewith to pay my debt, for Griefe
Has vow’d, unlesse I quickly pay,
To take both life and love away.