Andrew Macphail, comp. The Book of Sorrow. 1916.
On the death of Joseph AddisonThomas Tickell (1686–1740)
My soul’s best part for ever to the grave?
How silent did his old companions tread,
By midnight lamps, the mansions of the dead,
Through breathing statues, then unheeded things,
Through rows of warriors, and through walks of kings!
What awe did the slow solemn knell inspire:
The pealing organ, and the pausing choir;
The duties by the lawn-rob’d prelate paid;
And the last words, that dust to dust convey’d!
While speechless o’er thy closing grave we bend,
Accept these tears, thou dear departed friend.
O gone for ever, take this long adieu;
And sleep in peace, next thy lov’d Montague!…