
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

premeditate predetermine 611 intend 620 premices 154 premier director 694 vicegerent 759 – pas 66 premiership 693 premise prefix 62 announce 511 premises precursor 64 prior 116 ground 182 evidence 467 logic 476 premium debt 806 receipt 810 reward 973 at a – 814 premonish 668 premonition 668, 992a premonitory prediction 511 warning 668 Premonstratensian 996 premonstration appearance 448 prediction 511 manifestation 525 premunire [see præmunire] prenotion misjudgment 481 foresight 510 prensation 789 prentice 541 prenticeship 539 preoccupancy possession 777 preoccupation inattention 458 preoption 609 preordain 611 destiny 152 necessity 601 Deity 976 preparation 673 music 413 instruction 537 writing 590 in course of – plan 626 preparatory preceding 62 prepare 673 – the way 705 prepared predict 507 deft 698 preparedness 673 preparing destined 152 prepense spontaneous 600 predetermined 611 intended 620 malice – 907 prepollence 157 preponderance superiority 33 influence 175 dominance 737 (importance 642) prepossessed obstinate 606 prepossessing 829 prepossession prejudice 481 possession 777 preposterous great 31 absurd 497 imaginative 515 exaggerated 549 ridiculous 853 undue 925 prepotency 157 Pre-Raphaelite 122, 124 prerequire 630 prerequisite 630 preresolve 611 prerogative authority 737 right 924 presage predict 511 omen 512 presbyopia 443 presbyter 996 Presbyterian 984 presbytery 995, 996, 1000 prescience 510 prescient 510, 511 prescious 511 prescribe direct 693 advice 695 order 741 entitle 924 enjoin 926 prescript precept 697 decree 741 prescription remedy 662 prescriptive old 124 unchanged 141 habitual 613 due 924 presence in space 186 appearance 448 breeding 894 in the – of near 197 – chamber 191 – of God 981 – of mind calm 826 cautious 864 real – 998 saving one’s – 928 present – in time 118in space 186 offer 763 give 784 church preferment 995 at – 118 – a bold front 861 – a front 719 – arms courtesy 894 respect 928 – in spirit 187 – itself event 151 visible 446 thought 451 – oneself presence 186 offer 763 courtesy 894 – time 118 instant 113 – to the mind attention 457 memory 505 – to the view 448 these -s writing 590 epistle 592 presentable 845, 852 presentation [see present] celebration 883 courtesy 894 presentiment instinct 477 prejudgment 481 foresight 510 presently 132 presentment information 527 law proceeding 969 preservation continuance 141 conservation 670 Divine attributes 976 preserve sweets 396 provision 637 [see preservation] – a middle course 628 preserver safeguard 664 preshow 511 preside – at the board direction 693 – over authority 737 presidency 737 president director 694 master 745 -’s message 695 press crowd 72 closet 191 weight 319 public531 printing 591 book 593 move 615 compel 744 offer 763 solicit 765 go to – 591 – agent’s yarn 546 – in 300 – into the service use 677 aid 707 – of business 682 – on course 109 progression 282 haste 684 – one hard 716 – out 301 – proof 591 – to the bosom 902 under – of 744 writer for the – 593 pressed, hard – 704 – for time 684 pressgang 965 pressing need 630 urgent 642 pressman 554 press room 591 pressure power 157 influence 175 weight 319 urgency 642 adversity 735 center of – 222 high – 824 presswork 591 Prester John 515 prestidigitation 545 prestidigitator 548 prestige bias 481 authority 737 fascination 865 fame 873 prestigiation 545 prestissimo 415 presto instantly 113 music 415 prestriction 442 presumable 472 presume probability 472 misjudge 481 believe 484 suppose 514 hope 858 pride 878 presumption [see presume] probability 472 expectation 607 rashness 863 arrogance 885 unlawfulness 925 presumptive probable 472 supposed 514 due 924 heir – 779 – evidence evidence 467 probability 472 presumptuous 885 presuppose misjudge 481 suppose 514 presurmise foresee 510 suppose 514 pretend assert 535 simulate 544 untruth 546 pretended 545 pretender deceiver 548 braggart 884 unentitled 925 pretending 544 pretense imitation 19 falsehood 544 untruth 546 excuse 617 ostentation 882 boast 884 pretension ornament 577 affectation 855 due 924