
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

mendicity 804 menial servant 746 rustic 876 meniscal 245 meniscus 245, 445 menses 138, 299 menstrual 138 menstruum 335 mensuration 466 mental 450 – acquisitiveness 455 – calm 826 – cultivation 539 – excitement 824 – healing 984 – pabulum 454 – philosophy 450 – poise 498 – reservation 528, 543 – suffering 828 mentality 450 mentalize 451 mentation 451 menticulture 490, 658 mention 527 above -ed 104 not worth -ing 543 mentor sage 500 teacher 540 adviser 695 mentum 234 menu list 86 food 298 Mephistopheles 978 Mephistophelian 945 mephitic fetid 401 deleterious 654 mephitis 663 meracious 392 mercantile 794 mercatoria, lex – 963 mercature 794 mercenary soldier 726 servant 746 price 812 parsimonious 819 selfish 943 mercer 225 merchandise 798 merchant 797 merchantable 795 merchantman 273 merciful 914 merciless 914a mercurial changeable 149 mobile 264 quick 274 excitable 825 mercurous chloride 662 Mercury traveler 268 quick 274 messenger 534 -’s rod 747 mercy lenity 740 pity 914 at the – of liable 177 subject 749 cry you – 766 for -’s sake 765 have no – 914a – on us! 870 – seat 966 mere simple 32 lake 343 trifling 643 buy for a – nothing 815 – nothing small 32 trifle 643 – pretext 617 – words 477 – wreck 659 merelles 840 meretricious false 495 vulgar 851 licentious 961 merge combine 48 include 76 insert 300 plunge 337 – in 56 – into become 144 merged 228 merger 712 meridian region 181 room 125 summit 210 light 420 map drawing 550 – of life 131 meridional 125, 237 meringue 298 merit goodness 648 due 924 virtue 944 make a – of 884 – notice 642 merito, e – 944 meritorious 931 mermaid monster 83 ocean 341 mythology 979 merman 341 meroblast 357 merogenesis 161 merriment cheerful 836 amusement 840 merry cheerful 836 drunk 959 make – sport 840 make – with wit 842 ridicule 856 – and wise 842 – as the day is long 836 – heart 836 wish a – Christmas &c. 896 merry-andrew 844 merry-go-round 840 merrymaking revel 840 sociality 892 merrythought 842, 993 mersion 337 mesa 344 mésalliance ill-assorted 24 marriage 903 meseems 484 mesh interstices 198 crossing 219 meshes trap 545 difficulty 704 – of sophistry 477 mesial middle 68 (central 222) mesilla 344 mesmerism 992 mesmerist 992a mesne 228 – lord 779 mesoblast 357 mess mixture 41 disorder 59 derangement 61 meal 298 difficulty 704 portion 786 make a – unskillful 699 fail 732 message dispatch 527 intelligence 532 command 741 Messalina 962 messenger traveler 268 cloud 353 envoy 534 servant 746 – balloon 463 Messiah 976 messmate 890 messuage 189, 780 mestee 41 mestizo 41 metabatic 264 metabola 140 metabolism 140, 357 metabolize 140 metacenter 222 metachronism 115 metage 466 metagenesis 140 metagrammatism 561 metal 635 Britannia – 545 metalepsis 521 metallic harsh 410 metallurgy 358 metamorphosis 140 metamorphotic 81 metaphor comparison 464 figure 521 (analogy 17) metaphrase 522 metaphrast 524 metaphrastic 516 metaphysics 450 metaplasm 357 metasomatism 140 metastasis change 140 inversion 218 displacement 270 metathesis change 140 inversion 218 displacement 270 metaphor 521 mete measure 466 distribute 786 – out give 784 metempirical 519 metempsychosis 140 meteor heavenly body 318, 353 luminary 423 meteoric transient 111 violent 173 light 420 meteorite 318 meteorology 338, 353 meteoromancy 466 meter length 200 measure 333, 466 versification 597 methane 663 metheglin 396 methinks 484 method order 58 way 627 want of – 59 methodical arranged 60 regular 80, 138 businesslike 692 Methodist 984 methodist formalist 988 methodize 58, 60 Methuselah 130 old as – 128 since the days of – 124 metic 57 meticulosity 457, 459, 868 meticulous exact 494 observant 772 fastidious 868 métis 83 metogenesis 161 metonymy 521 metopic 234 metoposcopist 234, 448 metoposcopy front 234 appearance 448 interpret 522 metrical measured 466 verse 597 metrocracy 737 metrology 466 metropolis 189, 222 metropolitan archbishop 996 mettle energy 171 spirit 820 courage 861 man of – 861 on one’s – resolved 604 put on one’s – excite 824 encourage 861 mettlesome energetic 171 sensitive 822 excitable 825 brave 861 meum et tuum 777, 780 disregard distinction between – 791