
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

lurcher dog 366 lure draw 288 deceive 545 entice 615 lurid dark 421 dim 422 reddish brown 433 lurk unseen 447 latent 526 hidden 528 lurking place 530 luscious savory 394 grateful 829 lush vegetation 365 drunkenness 959 lushy 959 lusk 683 lusory 840 lust desire 865 concupiscence 961 – quencher 866 luster brightness 420 chandelier 423 glory 873 lustily loud 404 exertion 686 cry out – 839 lustless 158 lustration purification 652 atonement 952 lustrous shining 420 lustrum 108 lusty strong 159 big 192 lute cement 45, 46 guitar 417 luteolous 436 luteous 436 lutescent 436 Lutheran 984 lutose 653 luxation 44 luxuriant fertile 168 rank 365 sufficient 639 luxuriate 365 – in pleasure 377 delight 827 luxurious pleasant 377 delightful 829 intemperate 954 luxury physical377 redundance 641 enjoyment 827 sensuality 954 – of doing good 648 lycanthropy 503 lyceum 537, 542 lyddite 727 Lydford law 964 Lydian measure 415 lye 652 lying decumbent 213 deceptive 544 faithless 986 lymph fluid 333 water 337 transparent 425 lymphatic slow 275 fluid 333, 337 conduit 350 lynch 972 – law 744, 964 lyncher 975 lynx 366 lynx-eyed sight 441 careful 459 intelligence 498 lyre 417 lyric music 415, 416 – poetry 597 lyrist 597 lyssa 867 M Mab 979 mabap 166 macadamize 255 macaroni 854 macaronic absurdity 497 neology 563 verses 597 macaroon 298 mace weapon 727 scepter 747 mace bearer 965 macerate 337, 354 maceration saturation 337 atonement 952 asceticism 955 rite 998 Macheath 792 Machiavel 702 Machiavellism falsehood 544 cunning 702 dishonesty 940 machicolation notch 257 fortification 717 machination plan 626 cunning 702 -s of the devil 619 machinator 626 machine automobile 272 instrument 633 party 712 be a mere – 749 machine gun 727 machinery 633 machinist theatrical599 workman 690 macilent 203 mackerel 298 mottled 440 procuress 962 – sky 349, 353 mackinaw 225 mackintosh 225 mackle 591 macrobiotic 110 macrocolous 200 macrocosm 318 macrogamete 357 macrology 577 mactation 991 macula 848 maculate unclean 653 maculation variegation 440 blemish 848 mad insane 503 excited 824 (violent 173) drive one – 900 go – 825 – after 865 – with rage 900 madam 374, 877 madbrained 503 madcap violent 173 lunatic 504 excitable 825 buffoon 844 rash 863 madder color 434 made – man 734 – to one’s hand 673 madefaction 339 madid 339 madman 504 madness [see mad] Madonna good 948 angel 977 pious 987 madrigal music 415 verses 597 madstone 993 Mæcenas friend 890 Maelstrom whirl 312 water 348 pitfall 667 maestro 415 maffick exult 884 magazine record 551 book 593 store 636 – rifle 727 Magdalen 950 mage 994 magenta 434, 437 maggot little 193 fancy 515 caprice 608 desire 865 maggoty fanciful 515 capricious 608 unclean 653 – headed excitable 825 Magi sage 500 sect 984 magic influence 175 prediction 511 sorcery 992 – lantern instrument 445 show 448 magician 548, 994 magilp 356a magisterial proud 878 insolent 885 magistery 330 magistracy authority 737 jurisdiction 965 magistrate safety 664 ruler 745 justiciary 967 magistrature 737 magma 41 Magna Charta 769 magnanimity 942 magnate 875 magnet attract 288 desire 865 magnetic powerful 157 magnetism power 157 influence 175 attraction 288 motive 615 animal – 992 magnetite 288 magnetize power 157 influence 175 attraction 288 motive 615 conjure 992 magneto automobile 272 magneto-electricity 157 magnetometer 157 magnetomotive 157 magnetoscope 157 magnificent large 192 fine 845 grand 882 (magnanimous 942) magnifico 875 magnifier 445 magnify increase 35 enlarge 194 overrate 549 approve 931 praise 990 magnilo quent language 577 boast 884 magnitude quantity 25 greatness 31 size 192 magnolia 367 magnum bonum 618 Magnus Apollo 500 magpie 584