
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

hydroplane 273 hydroplaning 267 hydropot 953, 958 hydroscope 114 hydrostat 333 hydrostatics 333, 348 hydrotherapy 662 hydrotic 337 hydrous 337 hyemal 383 hyena 913 hyetograph 348 hyetology 348 hyetometer 348, 466 hyetometrograph 348 hygeian 656 hygiantics 670 hygiene 656, 670 hygienic 656, 670 hygienics 670 hygre 348 hygrometer 349 hygrometry 339 hyle 316 hylic 316 hylism 316 hylocist 316 hylotheism materiality 316 heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 hylotheist 316 Hymen 903 hymeneal 903 hymn song 415 worship 990 – of Hate 898 hymn book 998 hymnody 54 hymnology 415 hypallage 218 hypaxis existence 1 hyperbaton 218 hyperbola 245 hyperbole 549 hyperborean far 196 opposite 237 cold 383 hypercriticism misjudgment 481 discontent 832 fastidiousness 868 censure 932 hyperdulia 990 Hyperion 423, 845 – to a satyr 14 hyperorthodoxy 984 hyperphysical 450, 976 hypertrophy 194 hyphen 45, 550 hyphenate 943 hyhenated 940 – allegiance 940 hypnagogic 992a hypnology 683 hypnosis insensibility 376 inactivity 683 psychical research 992a hypnotic remedy 662 sleep 683 hypnotism 683, 992a hypocaust 386 hypochondriac insanity 503 madman 504 low spirits 837 hopelesslness 859 hypochondriasis 837 hypocrisy falsehood 544 religious988 hypocrite 548 play the – 544 hypocritical 544 hypodermic 223 hypostasis 3 hypostatic union 976 hypothecate 771 hypothenuse 217 hypothesis 514 hypothesize 514 hypothetical uncertain 475 supposed 514 imaginative 515 hypped insane 503 dejected 837 hypsography 206, 466 hypsometer 206 hypsometry 206, 466 hypsophobia 206, 860 hysteria insanity 503 psychotherapy 992a hysteric violent 173 hysterical spasmodic 608 emotional 821 excitable 825 hysterics 173 in – excited 824 frightened 860 hysterology 218 hysteron proteron 218