
Home  »  Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages  »  List of Subjects

Robert Christy, comp. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages. 1887.

List of Subjects

  1. Abilities
  2. Absence
  3. Absent Minded
  4. Abstinence
  5. Absurd
  6. Abundance
  7. Abuse
  8. Accepting
  9. Accident
  10. Accomplice
  11. Accusation
  12. Accuser
  13. Accusing
  14. Achieving
  15. Acquaintances
  16. Acquiring
  17. Action
  18. Action (United)
  19. Advancing
  20. Advantage
  21. Adversity
  22. Advice, Advisers, Advising
  23. Affairs
  24. Affectation
  25. Affection
  26. Affliction
  27. Africa
  28. Age
  29. Youth, Age
  30. Agree
  31. Ague
  32. Air
  33. Alchemist
  34. Alchemy
  35. Ale
  36. Alexander
  37. All But
  38. Almost
  39. Alms
  40. Altar
  41. Ambergris
  42. Ambition
  43. Amends
  44. Amnesty
  45. Amusement
  46. Ancestors
  47. Anchor
  48. Angel
  49. Anger
  50. Angler, Angling
  51. Annoyances
  52. Another’s
  53. Answer
  54. Ant
  55. Ancients, Antiquity
  56. Anvil
  57. Anvil, Hammer
  58. Ape
  59. Aphorisms
  60. Apothegms
  61. Appear, Appearance
  62. Appetite
  63. Applause
  64. Application
  65. April
  66. Archer
  67. Architect
  68. Architecture
  69. Argument
  70. Arms
  71. Army
  72. Arrogance
  73. Arrow
  74. Art, Artist
  75. Arts
  76. Ashes
  77. Asking
  78. Ass
  79. Assassination
  80. Assertion
  81. Assisting
  82. Association
  83. Atheist
  84. At Last
  85. Attainable
  86. Attempting
  87. Auction
  88. Augur-Holes
  89. Augurs
  90. August
  91. Author
  92. Avarice
  93. Avenging
  94. Babblers
  95. Babe
  96. Bacchus
  97. Bachelor
  98. Back
  99. Backbiting
  100. Bad
  101. Bag
  102. Bag-pipe
  103. Bailiff’s Cow
  104. Baker
  105. Balance
  106. Bankrupt
  107. Bankruptcy
  108. Banishment
  109. Banquet
  110. Barber
  111. Bargain
  112. (Rash) Bargain
  113. Barley Corn
  114. Base
  115. Bashfulness
  116. Basle
  117. Bath
  118. Battle
  119. Bazaar
  120. Bear
  121. Beard
  122. Bearing
  123. Beast
  124. Beauty
  125. Becoming
  126. Bee
  127. Beer
  128. Beggar
  129. Begging
  130. Beginning
  131. Beg Pardon
  132. Beguiling
  133. Belief
  134. Believers
  135. Bell
  136. Belly
  137. Bend
  138. Benefactors
  139. Benefits
  140. Best
  141. Betray
  142. Better
  143. Be True
  144. Beware
  145. Bible
  146. Bide
  147. Bind
  148. Bird
  149. Birth
  150. Biting
  151. Bladder
  152. Blade
  153. Blame
  154. Bleeding
  155. Blessed
  156. Blessings
  157. Blind
  158. Black
  159. Blood
  160. Blot
  161. Blow
  162. Blowing
  163. Blunder
  164. Blush
  165. Boaster, Boasting, Braggart
  166. Boat
  167. Bold
  168. Boldness
  169. Bone
  170. Book
  171. Boor
  172. Borderers
  173. Bores
  174. Borrowing
  175. Boston
  176. Bottle
  177. Boughs
  178. Bounty
  179. Bow
  180. Boy
  181. Brahmins
  182. Brain
  183. Branch
  184. Brand
  185. Brandy
  186. Brave
  187. Bread
  188. Breed
  189. Brevity
  190. Brief
  191. Brewing
  192. Brier
  193. Bribe
  194. Bride
  195. Bridge
  196. Bringing
  197. Broom
  198. Brother
  199. Brother-in-Law
  200. Broth
  201. Buckets
  202. Buddha
  203. Bug
  204. Building
  205. Bullies
  206. Burlesque
  207. Burthen
  208. Bush
  209. Business
  210. Busy
  211. Busy-body
  212. Butter
  213. Buy
  214. By-and-by
  215. Cabbage-stalks
  216. Cæsar
  217. Cage
  218. Cain
  219. Cake
  220. Calamity
  221. Calf
  222. Calling
  223. Calm
  224. Calms
  225. Calumny
  226. Camel
  227. Can
  228. Candle
  229. Candor
  230. Cap
  231. Capital
  232. Caprice
  233. Carcass
  234. Care
  235. Cares
  236. Carelessness
  237. Carrion
  238. Cart
  239. Cask
  240. Castle-in-the-air
  241. Castle
  242. Cat
  243. Cat’s Paw
  244. Catching
  245. Cause
  246. Caution
  247. Celerity
  248. Censure
  249. Ceremony
  250. Certainty
  251. Chaff
  252. Chains
  253. Chair
  254. Change
  255. Channel
  256. Characteristic
  257. Character
  258. Charity
  259. Chastising
  260. Chastity
  261. Chattering
  262. Cheap
  263. Cheat, Cheating
  264. Cheerfulness
  265. Cheese
  266. Cherries
  267. Chicken
  268. Child
  269. Chimney
  270. Chips
  271. Choler
  272. Choleric
  273. Choice, Choosing
  274. Christian
  275. Christianity
  276. Christmas
  277. Church
  278. Churl
  279. Circumstances
  280. City
  281. Civil Broils, Civil War
  282. Civility
  283. Civilizers (of Man)
  284. Claimant
  285. Clay
  286. Cleanliness
  287. Clemency
  288. Clerk
  289. Clever
  290. Climbing
  291. Cloak
  292. Cloud
  293. Clown
  294. Coat
  295. Cobblers
  296. Cockroach
  297. Cold
  298. Colt
  299. Comfort
  300. Comforter
  301. Coming
  302. Commanding
  303. Commencing
  304. Commending
  305. Commerce
  306. Common
  307. Common-sense
  308. Company
  309. Comparison
  310. Compensation
  311. Complaining
  312. Compliance
  313. Compliments
  314. Condemning
  315. Conduct (Rules of)
  316. Confidence
  317. Connoisseur
  318. Conquer
  319. Conquerors, Conquered
  320. Conquest
  321. Confession
  322. Conscience
  323. Consideration
  324. Consistency
  325. Conspiracies
  326. Constancy
  327. Constitution
  328. Contemn
  329. Contemplation
  330. Contempt
  331. Content
  332. Continuance
  333. Contradiction
  334. Contrivance
  335. Conversation
  336. Convincing
  337. Conviviality
  338. Cook
  339. Cooking
  340. Coquette
  341. Coral
  342. Cork
  343. Corn
  344. Corporation
  345. Correction
  346. Corruption
  347. Corsair
  348. Cost
  349. Cottage
  350. Counsel
  351. Counsellor
  352. Count
  353. Countenance
  354. Counterfeit
  355. Country
  356. Courage
  357. Court
  358. Courtesy
  359. Courtier
  360. Covetousness
  361. Cow
  362. Cowardice
  363. Coxcomb
  364. Crab
  365. Cradle
  366. Craft
  367. Craft, Crafty
  368. Crazy
  369. Credit
  370. Creditors
  371. Credulity
  372. Cricket
  373. Crime
  374. Cripple
  375. Critic
  376. Crooked
  377. Cross
  378. Crow
  379. Crowd
  380. Crown
  381. Cruelty
  382. Cuckoo
  383. Cunning
  384. Cup
  385. Cure
  386. Curiosity
  387. Curse
  388. Cursed
  389. Curtain Lecture
  390. Custom
  391. Cut-purse
  392. Dainties
  393. Dam
  394. Damage
  395. Dancer, Dancing
  396. Danger
  397. Daring
  398. Darkness
  399. Daughter
  400. Daughter-in-law
  401. Day
  402. To-day
  403. To-day, To-morrow
  404. To-morrow
  405. Yesterday
  406. Deaf
  407. Dealer
  408. Death
  409. Debased
  410. Debt
  411. Debtor
  412. Decay
  413. Deceit, Deceiver
  414. Deciding, Decision
  415. Decorum
  416. Deeds
  417. Defects
  418. Defence
  419. Defer, Deferred
  420. Defiance
  421. Defile
  422. Deformity
  423. Delay
  424. Deliberate, Deliberation
  425. Delights
  426. Demagogues
  427. Demand
  428. Denials
  429. Dependence
  430. Deprivation
  431. Descent
  432. Desert
  433. Deserter
  434. Desire
  435. Despair
  436. Despising
  437. Despot
  438. Destiny
  439. Determination
  440. Detesting
  441. Detractor
  442. Devil
  443. Dew-drop
  444. Dexterity
  445. Diamond
  446. Diana
  447. Dice, Dicer
  448. Diet
  449. Difference
  450. Different
  451. Difficulty
  452. Diffidence
  453. Difficult
  454. Difficulties
  455. Dignity
  456. Dilemma
  457. Diligence
  458. Diligent
  459. Dinner
  460. Diplomatists
  461. Dirt
  462. Disasters
  463. Discipline
  464. Discontent
  465. Discord
  466. Discourse
  467. Discovers
  468. Discretion
  469. Diseases
  470. Disgrace
  471. Dishonest
  472. Dishonorable
  473. Dislike
  474. Disputations
  475. Disputing
  476. Dissemblers
  477. Dissensions
  478. Distaff
  479. Distance
  480. Distrust
  481. Ditch
  482. Dividing, Sharing
  483. Divine
  484. Do
  485. Doctor (Physician)
  486. Dog
  487. Donkey
  488. Don’t Care
  489. Door
  490. Door-sill
  491. Dotage
  492. Dower
  493. Doubt
  494. Dover Court
  495. Dragon
  496. Dream
  497. Dress
  498. Drink
  499. Drowning
  500. Drunkard
  501. Drunkenness
  502. Drop
  503. Dropping
  504. Drum
  505. Duck
  506. Due
  507. Duel, Duellist
  508. Dull
  509. Dung
  510. Duty
  511. Dwelling
  512. Eagle
  513. Ear
  514. Early Rising
  515. Earnestness and Sport
  516. Earnestness
  517. Earth
  518. Earthen
  519. Ease
  520. Easy
  521. Easier
  522. East
  523. Eat
  524. Economy
  525. Edge
  526. Education
  527. Eel
  528. Egg
  529. Egotist
  530. Egypt
  531. Elephant
  532. Eloquence
  533. Embassador
  534. Empire
  535. Empty
  536. Emulation
  537. End
  538. Ends of Man
  539. Enduring
  540. Enemy
  541. England, Englishman
  542. Enough
  543. Enterprising
  544. Envy
  545. Equality
  546. Equity
  547. Equivocation
  548. Erring, Error
  549. Eschewed
  550. Estate
  551. Esteem
  552. Eternity
  553. Euclid
  554. Eve
  555. Even
  556. Evening
  557. Every
  558. Evil
  559. Example
  560. Excess
  561. Excuse
  562. Execution
  563. Exertion
  564. Exiles
  565. Expect
  566. Expedient
  567. Expense
  568. Expenses
  569. Experience
  570. Experiment
  571. Extravagance
  572. Extremes
  573. Eye
  574. Face
  575. Fact
  576. Faggot
  577. Failings
  578. Faint Heart
  579. Fair
  580. Fairest
  581. Fair Hair
  582. Faith
  583. Falling
  584. Falling Out
  585. False
  586. False Charges
  587. Falsehood
  588. False Swearing
  589. Fame
  590. Familiar
  591. Familiarity
  592. Family
  593. Famine
  594. Fan
  595. Fans
  596. Fanaticism
  597. Fancy
  598. Farmer, Farming
  599. Fashion
  600. Fast
  601. Fastidiousness
  602. Fate
  603. Fates
  604. Father
  605. Fault, Faults
  606. Fault-finding
  607. Favor
  608. Favorites
  609. Fear
  610. Feast
  611. Feasting
  612. February
  613. Fee
  614. Feebleness
  615. Feeling
  616. Feelings
  617. Fellow-feeling
  618. Feigned
  619. Felicity
  620. Fellow
  621. Fellow-mortal
  622. Females
  623. Fence
  624. Ferry
  625. Fetters
  626. Fever
  627. Few
  628. Fiddle
  629. Fiddler
  630. Fidelity
  631. Field
  632. Fig-tree
  633. File
  634. Finding
  635. Fine
  636. Fingers
  637. Fire
  638. First
  639. Fish
  640. Fit
  641. Flag
  642. Flame
  643. Flatterer, Flattery
  644. Flea
  645. Flesh
  646. Flight
  647. Flint
  648. Flirt
  649. Flirtation
  650. Flower
  651. Fly
  652. Foe
  653. Foemen
  654. Fog
  655. Follow
  656. Food
  657. Folly
  658. Folly (in Conduct)
  659. Fool
  660. Fool—Wise Man
  661. Foot
  662. Foot-ball
  663. Forbearance
  664. Force
  665. Ford
  666. Forecast, Forelooking, Foreseeing
  667. Foretelling
  668. Forget
  669. Forgiving
  670. Fortified
  671. Fortitude
  672. Fortress
  673. Fortune, Luck
  674. Unfortunate, Unlucky
  675. Foundation
  676. Fox
  677. Frankness
  678. Franks
  679. Fraud
  680. Freedom
  681. Frenchman
  682. Friend
  683. Friendship
  684. Frog
  685. Frugality
  686. Fruit
  687. Frying-pan
  688. Full
  689. Full-fed
  690. Fur
  691. Furniture
  692. Fury
  693. Future
  694. Gain
  695. Gale
  696. Gallows
  697. Gambling
  698. Garden
  699. Gardening
  700. Garlands
  701. Garlic
  702. Garrulity
  703. Gathering
  704. Gauntlet
  705. Gear
  706. Gems
  707. Generals
  708. Generous Man
  709. Generosity
  710. Genius
  711. Genoese
  712. Gentility
  713. Gentle
  714. Gentleman
  715. Gentry
  716. German
  717. Ghosts
  718. Giant (Dwarf)
  719. Gift (Presents)
  720. Gift-horse
  721. Gypsy
  722. Giving
  723. Girl
  724. Glass Houses
  725. Glass Roof
  726. Glass Windows
  727. Glory
  728. Vain-glory
  729. Glowing
  730. Gluttony
  731. Goat
  732. God
  733. God-father
  734. Gods
  735. Going
  736. Gold
  737. Golden Age
  738. Golgotha
  739. Good
  740. Good-faith
  741. Good Turn
  742. Goodness
  743. Goods
  744. Goose
  745. Gossiping
  746. Got
  747. Gout
  748. Governing, Government
  749. Grace
  750. Grafting
  751. Grain
  752. Grapes
  753. Grasping
  754. Grass
  755. Gratitude
  756. Grave
  757. Gray
  758. Great
  759. Greatest
  760. Great Men
  761. Greatness
  762. Greed
  763. Grief
  764. Grievance
  765. Grindstone
  766. Groat
  767. Grundy, (Mrs.)
  768. Guard
  769. Guessing
  770. Guest
  771. Guide
  772. Guilt
  773. Habit
  774. Had-I-but-known
  775. Hair
  776. Hair-splitting
  777. Half
  778. Hand
  779. Handicraft
  780. Handsome
  781. Hanging
  782. Hannibal
  783. Happen
  784. Happiness
  785. Hare
  786. Harlot, Whores
  787. Harm
  788. Harness
  789. Harvest
  790. Has Been
  791. Haste
  792. Hatchet
  793. Hatred
  794. Haughtiness
  795. Having
  796. Hawk
  797. Head
  798. Health
  799. Hearing
  800. Hearse
  801. Heart
  802. Hear-say
  803. Heaven
  804. Hedge
  805. Hedge-hogs
  806. Heir
  807. Hell
  808. Help
  809. Helpless
  810. Herald
  811. Hercules
  812. Heretics
  813. Hero
  814. Heron
  815. Hesitation
  816. Hiding
  817. Hidden
  818. High
  819. Higher
  820. Highway
  821. History
  822. Hoarding
  823. Hoary Head
  824. Hobby
  825. Hobby-horse
  826. Hog
  827. Hold-fast
  828. Hold-on
  829. Holding
  830. Hole
  831. Holiday
  832. Homage
  833. Home
  834. Homer
  835. Honesty
  836. Honey
  837. Honor
  838. Hook
  839. Hope
  840. Horns
  841. Horse
  842. Hospitality
  843. Host
  844. Hostess
  845. Hour
  846. House
  847. House-keeping
  848. Housewife
  849. Humble
  850. Humility
  851. Hunchback
  852. Hunger
  853. Hunting
  854. Hurry
  855. Husband
  856. Husbandry
  857. Hush
  858. Hypochondria
  859. Hypocrite
  860. Hypothesis
  861. Ideas
  862. Idiots
  863. Idleness
  864. If
  865. Ignorance
  866. Ignorant
  867. Ill
  868. I’ll go myself” and “I’ll see to it
  869. Ill-gotten
  870. Ill Luck
  871. Ill Tidings
  872. Ill Turn
  873. Ill Vessels
  874. Ill Will
  875. Imagination
  876. Imitation
  877. Impartiality
  878. Impatience
  879. Impossible
  880. Imposture
  881. Impromptu
  882. Improvident
  883. Improving
  884. Imprudence
  885. Impudence
  886. I myself
  887. Incense
  888. Incongruity
  889. Inconsistency
  890. Incredible
  891. Incredulity
  892. Independence
  893. Indirection
  894. Indiscretion
  895. Indolence
  896. Industry
  897. Infidel
  898. Informer
  899. Ingratitude
  900. Inheritance
  901. Injury
  902. Innocence
  903. Innovations
  904. Inquiring
  905. Insignificant
  906. Insolence
  907. Instruction
  908. Insult
  909. Integrity
  910. Intellect
  911. Intemperance
  912. Intentions
  913. Interest
  914. Intrigues
  915. Invitation
  916. Iron
  917. Irons
  918. I Say
  919. Island
  920. Italian
  921. Ithaca
  922. It is Good
  923. It is Hard
  924. It is in Vain
  925. It is not
  926. It is Safe
  927. It is Useless
  928. It is Well
  929. Ivory
  930. Jackall
  931. Jail
  932. January
  933. Jealousy
  934. Jeering
  935. Jest, Joke
  936. Jesuits
  937. Jew
  938. Jewel
  939. Joseph
  940. Journey
  941. Jove, Jupiter
  942. Joy
  943. Judging
  944. June
  945. Judgment
  946. Just
  947. Justice
  948. Keep
  949. Key
  950. Killing
  951. Kindness
  952. King
  953. Kiss
  954. Kitchen
  955. Kite
  956. Knave, Knavery
  957. Knife
  958. Knock
  959. Knot
  960. Know Thyself
  961. Knowledge
  962. Labor
  963. Labor (Loss of)
  964. Labyrinth
  965. Ladder
  966. Lady
  967. Lament
  968. Lamp
  969. Lance
  970. Land
  971. Landmark Stones
  972. Lane
  973. Language
  974. Lasses
  975. Last
  976. Last Garment
  977. Laugh
  978. Lavishness
  979. Law
  980. Lawyers
  981. Lay Things By
  982. Laziness
  983. Leader
  984. Leaf
  985. Lean
  986. Leap
  987. Learning
  988. Leather
  989. Leave
  990. Leaven
  991. Leisure
  992. Lending
  993. Lent
  994. Leopard
  995. Let
  996. Letter
  997. Letters
  998. Liberal
  999. Liberality
  1000. Liberty
  1001. Life
  1002. Light
  1003. Divine Light
  1004. Light Strokes
  1005. Lightly Come
  1006. Like
  1007. Like
  1008. Like-to-like
  1009. Lillies
  1010. Lima
  1011. Line
  1012. Lion
  1013. Lips
  1014. Listeners
  1015. Listening
  1016. Literature
  1017. Little
  1018. Living
  1019. Little Man
  1020. Little Set
  1021. Lochaw
  1022. Lock
  1023. Logic
  1024. Long
  1025. Longer
  1026. Longing
  1027. Looking
  1028. Look Not
  1029. Look Upon
  1030. Unlooked-for
  1031. Looker-on
  1032. Looking-glass
  1033. Loquacity
  1034. Lord
  1035. Loss
  1036. Lottery
  1037. Love
  1038. Lover
  1039. Loveliness
  1040. Luxurious, Luxury
  1041. Lying (Falsehood)
  1042. Madness
  1043. Magician
  1044. Magistrates
  1045. Maid
  1046. Main Chance
  1047. Making
  1048. Malevolent
  1049. Malice
  1050. Malignity
  1051. Man
  1052. Good Man
  1053. Bad Man
  1054. Manliness
  1055. Manners
  1056. March
  1057. Market
  1058. Marketing
  1059. Mark
  1060. Marksman
  1061. Martyr
  1062. Master
  1063. Matrimony
  1064. Matter
  1065. Maxim
  1066. May
  1067. Maybe
  1068. Meal
  1069. Mean
  1070. Means
  1071. Meaning
  1072. Measure
  1073. Measures
  1074. Meat
  1075. Medlars
  1076. Meddling
  1077. Medicine
  1078. Medium
  1079. Meekness
  1080. Memory
  1081. Mend
  1082. Merchant
  1083. Mercy
  1084. Merit
  1085. Messengers
  1086. Meteor
  1087. Method
  1088. Mettle
  1089. Middle
  1090. Might
  1091. Might, Right
  1092. Milk
  1093. Mill
  1094. Miller
  1095. Millstone
  1096. Mind
  1097. Mine
  1098. Mine and Thine
  1099. Minister
  1100. Minute
  1101. Miracle
  1102. Mire
  1103. Mirth
  1104. Misanthrope
  1105. Mischief
  1106. Miser
  1107. Misery
  1108. Misfortunes
  1109. Mistakes
  1110. Misunderstandings
  1111. Mistress
  1112. Mob
  1113. Mocking
  1114. Moderation
  1115. Modesty
  1116. Mole
  1117. Monarchy
  1118. Money
  1119. Monk
  1120. Monkey
  1121. Monuments
  1122. Moon
  1123. More
  1124. Morning
  1125. Morsel
  1126. Mortal
  1127. Mortar
  1128. Moses
  1129. Moth
  1130. Mother
  1131. Grandmother
  1132. Mother-in-law
  1133. Motive
  1134. Motto
  1135. Mountain
  1136. Mountaineers
  1137. Mourning
  1138. Mouse
  1139. Mouth
  1140. Much
  1141. Muddy
  1142. Mule
  1143. Multitude
  1144. Murder
  1145. Mushroom
  1146. Music
  1147. Musician
  1148. Mussel
  1149. Must
  1150. Mutability of Fortune
  1151. Myrtle
  1152. Mystery
  1153. Nail
  1154. Name
  1155. Naples
  1156. Nation
  1157. Nature
  1158. Good-nature
  1159. Ill-nature
  1160. Nay
  1161. Near
  1162. Nearer
  1163. Nearest
  1164. Necessary
  1165. Necessity
  1166. Need
  1167. Needle
  1168. Neglect
  1169. Neighbor
  1170. Net
  1171. Nettle
  1172. Neutral
  1173. Never
  1174. New
  1175. News
  1176. Newspaper
  1177. Nice
  1178. Niggard
  1179. Night
  1180. Nightingale
  1181. No, Yes
  1182. Nobility
  1183. Noble Lives
  1184. Nodding, Napping
  1185. Noise
  1186. Nonsense
  1187. Nose
  1188. Not Easy
  1189. Nothing
  1190. Novelty
  1191. Nurse
  1192. Nut
  1193. Oath
  1194. Obedience
  1195. Obligation
  1196. Observation
  1197. Obstinacy
  1198. Occulist
  1199. Occupation
  1200. Odd Numbers
  1201. Offences
  1202. Offending
  1203. Offenders
  1204. Offers
  1205. Office
  1206. Offspring
  1207. Olive
  1208. Once
  1209. One
  1210. One’s Own
  1211. Opinion
  1212. Opportunity
  1213. Oppression
  1214. Orator, Oratory
  1215. Order
  1216. Orthodoxy
  1217. Orphan
  1218. Oven
  1219. Over
  1220. Owl
  1221. Ox
  1222. P’s and Q’s
  1223. Page
  1224. Pain
  1225. Palate
  1226. Paper
  1227. Paradise
  1228. Parasite
  1229. Pardon
  1230. Paris
  1231. Parleys
  1232. Parlor
  1233. Parnassus
  1234. Parry
  1235. Partners
  1236. Partridge
  1237. Party
  1238. Passions
  1239. Passionate
  1240. Past
  1241. Pastime
  1242. Patch
  1243. Patch-work
  1244. Pater Noster
  1245. Path
  1246. Patience
  1247. Patriotism
  1248. Pause
  1249. Pauses
  1250. Pay
  1251. Paymaster
  1252. Peace
  1253. Pear
  1254. Pearls
  1255. Peasant
  1256. Pedigree
  1257. Pen
  1258. Penny
  1259. Perhaps
  1260. Perseverance
  1261. Persuasion
  1262. Pertinacity
  1263. Philosopher, Philosophy
  1264. Philosopher’s Stone
  1265. Phlegm
  1266. Phlegmatic
  1267. Pick-pockets
  1268. Pictures
  1269. Piety
  1270. Pigeons
  1271. Pigmies
  1272. Pilgrims
  1273. Pillow
  1274. Pilot
  1275. Pipers
  1276. Pirates
  1277. Picture
  1278. Pike
  1279. Pin
  1280. Pine
  1281. Pitch
  1282. Pitcher
  1283. Pity
  1284. Place
  1285. Plagues
  1286. Plain Dealing
  1287. Plain Speaking
  1288. Planting
  1289. Plants
  1290. Plaster
  1291. Play
  1292. Please
  1293. Pleasantry
  1294. Pleasure
  1295. Plebeian
  1296. Pledge
  1297. Plenty
  1298. Plot
  1299. Plough, Ploughing
  1300. Poem
  1301. Poet
  1302. Poetry
  1303. Poison
  1304. Pole
  1305. Policy
  1306. Politeness
  1307. Politicians
  1308. Politics
  1309. Ponder
  1310. Pools
  1311. Poor
  1312. Poor-houses
  1313. Pope
  1314. Port
  1315. Portuguese
  1316. Possession
  1317. Possible
  1318. Posterity
  1319. Pot
  1320. Poverty
  1321. Power
  1322. Practice
  1323. Praise
  1324. Prate
  1325. Praying
  1326. Preacher, Preaching
  1327. Precaution
  1328. Precept
  1329. Precious
  1330. Precipitate
  1331. Precedence
  1332. Precedent
  1333. Precepts
  1334. Precocity
  1335. Prepared
  1336. Preparation
  1337. Present
  1338. Presumption
  1339. Pretence
  1340. Prettiness
  1341. Prevention
  1342. Prey
  1343. Pride
  1344. Priest
  1345. Prince
  1346. Principles
  1347. Prison
  1348. Proclamations
  1349. Procrastination
  1350. Prodigal
  1351. Prodigality
  1352. Profanity
  1353. Profits
  1354. Projects
  1355. Promise
  1356. Prophet
  1357. Prophecy
  1358. Prosperity
  1359. Proverb
  1360. Providence
  1361. Proving
  1362. Provision
  1363. Prude
  1364. Prudence
  1365. Prying
  1366. Pudding
  1367. Puff
  1368. Pull
  1369. Pun
  1370. Punctuality
  1371. Punishment
  1372. Pure
  1373. Purse
  1374. Pursuits
  1375. Put
  1376. Quackery
  1377. Quaileth
  1378. Quality
  1379. Quandary
  1380. Quarrel
  1381. Questions
  1382. Quick
  1383. Quiet
  1384. Quiet People
  1385. Quotations
  1386. Rabbit
  1387. Rabble
  1388. Race
  1389. Race
  1390. Rack
  1391. Ragamuffin
  1392. Rage
  1393. Raillery
  1394. Rain
  1395. Rainbow
  1396. Rank
  1397. Rare
  1398. Rascal
  1399. Rashness
  1400. Rasp
  1401. Rat
  1402. Raven
  1403. Razor
  1404. Reading
  1405. Ready
  1406. Reason
  1407. Rebel, Rebellion
  1408. Rebuke
  1409. Receiver
  1410. Receiving
  1411. Reckoning
  1412. Red
  1413. Reed
  1414. Refinement
  1415. Reformation, Reforms
  1416. Refusing
  1417. Regard
  1418. Relations (Kindred)
  1419. Religion
  1420. Remedy
  1421. Remember
  1422. Remembrance
  1423. Remorse
  1424. Removing
  1425. Renter
  1426. Repair
  1427. Repentance
  1428. Report
  1429. Reproach
  1430. Reproof
  1431. Reputation
  1432. Requital
  1433. Resolution
  1434. Respect
  1435. Rest
  1436. Retreat
  1437. Retribution
  1438. Revenge
  1439. Revolutions
  1440. Reward
  1441. Rich
  1442. Ridicule
  1443. Ridiculous
  1444. Riding
  1445. Right
  1446. Rip
  1447. River
  1448. Rhyme
  1449. Righteous
  1450. Risk
  1451. Road
  1452. Robbing
  1453. Robin Hood
  1454. Rochefoucauld
  1455. Rock
  1456. Rocket
  1457. Rocking-chair
  1458. Rogue
  1459. Roman
  1460. Rome
  1461. Root
  1462. Rope
  1463. Rose
  1464. Rowing
  1465. Rubbish
  1466. Rudder
  1467. Rudeness
  1468. Ruin
  1469. Rule
  1470. Ruling
  1471. Running
  1472. Russian
  1473. Rust
  1474. Sack
  1475. Sackcloth
  1476. Sacrifice
  1477. Saddle
  1478. Sadness
  1479. Safety
  1480. Sagacious
  1481. Sail, Sailing
  1482. Sailor
  1483. Saint
  1484. Salt
  1485. Sameness
  1486. Satiety
  1487. Satires
  1488. Satisfied
  1489. Sauce
  1490. Savage
  1491. Saving, Savers
  1492. They Say
  1493. Saying
  1494. Saying and Doing
  1495. Saw
  1496. Scandal
  1497. Scar
  1498. Scatter
  1499. Scavenger
  1500. Sceptres
  1501. Scheme
  1502. Scholar, Student
  1503. Science
  1504. Sciences
  1505. Scoff
  1506. Scoffer
  1507. Scolding
  1508. Scorn
  1509. Scornful
  1510. Scorning
  1511. Scotchman
  1512. Scribbling-fry
  1513. Sea
  1514. Seaman
  1515. Search
  1516. Secret
  1517. Secure
  1518. Security
  1519. Seditious
  1520. Seeing
  1521. Seeking
  1522. Seeming
  1523. Self-command
  1524. Self-conceit
  1525. Self-depreciation
  1526. Self-confidence
  1527. Self-conquest
  1528. Self-defence
  1529. Self-denial
  1530. Self-doing
  1531. Self-esteem
  1532. Self-exaltation
  1533. Self-exertion
  1534. Self-fear
  1535. Selfishness
  1536. Self-love, Self-lovers
  1537. Self-control
  1538. Self-mastery
  1539. Self-preservation
  1540. Self-reliance
  1541. Self-respect
  1542. Self-restraint
  1543. Self-seeing
  1544. Self-sustaining
  1545. Selling
  1546. Send
  1547. Sense
  1548. Senses
  1549. Sensible
  1550. Sermon
  1551. Servant
  1552. Serving
  1553. Seven
  1554. Sexes
  1555. Shadow
  1556. Shame
  1557. Sharpers
  1558. Shaving
  1559. Sheep
  1560. Shepherds
  1561. Shift
  1562. Ship
  1563. Shipwreck
  1564. Shirt
  1565. Shoe
  1566. Shoemaker
  1567. Short
  1568. Shot, Shooting
  1569. Shower
  1570. Showing One’s Self
  1571. Shrew
  1572. Sickness
  1573. Signs
  1574. Silence
  1575. Silver
  1576. Simple
  1577. Sin
  1578. Sincerity
  1579. Singing
  1580. Sir Positives
  1581. Sit
  1582. Six
  1583. Skeleton
  1584. Skill
  1585. Skin
  1586. Sky
  1587. Slander
  1588. Slave
  1589. Slaves
  1590. Slaying
  1591. Sleep
  1592. Sleeve
  1593. Slippers
  1594. Sloth
  1595. Slough
  1596. Slow
  1597. Sluggard
  1598. Sluggard
  1599. Small
  1600. Smarts
  1601. Smile
  1602. Smiles
  1603. Smith
  1604. Smoke
  1605. Snail
  1606. Sneer
  1607. Snow
  1608. Sobriety
  1609. Softly
  1610. Soldier
  1611. Solitude
  1612. Solomon
  1613. Something
  1614. Son
  1615. Son-in-law
  1616. Song
  1617. Soon
  1618. Sore
  1619. Sorrow
  1620. Soul
  1621. Soup
  1622. Sour Grapes
  1623. Sour Kraut
  1624. Sowing
  1625. Spaniard
  1626. Spare
  1627. Spark
  1628. Sparrow
  1629. Sparta
  1630. Speak
  1631. Spear
  1632. Spears
  1633. Speech
  1634. Speeches
  1635. Spending, Spendthrifts
  1636. Spice
  1637. Spider
  1638. Spiders
  1639. Spinning
  1640. Spirit
  1641. Spit
  1642. Spite
  1643. Spoil
  1644. Spoils
  1645. Sport
  1646. Spot
  1647. Stain
  1648. Stairs
  1649. Stake
  1650. Standing
  1651. Star
  1652. Starlings
  1653. Starve
  1654. State (Maxims Political)
  1655. Statue
  1656. Staying
  1657. Stealing
  1658. Steel
  1659. Steer
  1660. Step
  1661. Step-father
  1662. Step-mother
  1663. Stew
  1664. Stick
  1665. Stimulants
  1666. Stingy
  1667. Stir Not
  1668. Stitch
  1669. Stocks
  1670. Stolen
  1671. Stomach
  1672. Stone
  1673. Stools
  1674. Stooping
  1675. Stop
  1676. Stopping
  1677. Store
  1678. Storm
  1679. Story
  1680. Strange
  1681. Stranger
  1682. Straws
  1683. Strength
  1684. Stretch
  1685. Striking
  1686. Striving
  1687. Strong
  1688. Strongest
  1689. Stubborn
  1690. Studying
  1691. Stumble
  1692. Stupidity
  1693. Success
  1694. Succor
  1695. Sufferer, Suffering
  1696. Suicide
  1697. Sultan
  1698. Summer
  1699. Sun
  1700. Sun-dial
  1701. Sunshine
  1702. Supererogation
  1703. Superstitions
  1704. Sure
  1705. Suretyship
  1706. Surfeits
  1707. Surgeon
  1708. Surprise
  1709. Suspicion, Suspicions
  1710. Swallow
  1711. Swan
  1712. Sweat
  1713. Sweep
  1714. Sweet
  1715. Sweetheart
  1716. Swift
  1717. Swimming
  1718. Swindling
  1719. Swiss
  1720. Sword
  1721. Syllables
  1722. Sympathy
  1723. System
  1724. Table
  1725. Tailors
  1726. Take Heed
  1727. Take This
  1728. Taking
  1729. Taking Out
  1730. Tale
  1731. Tale
  1732. Tale-bearer
  1733. Talents
  1734. Talking
  1735. Tarry
  1736. Task
  1737. Taste
  1738. Tattler
  1739. Taxes
  1740. Teacher, Teaching
  1741. Tear
  1742. Teeth
  1743. Temper
  1744. Temperance
  1745. Temples
  1746. Temptation
  1747. Tempter
  1748. Tender
  1749. Thanking
  1750. Thanks
  1751. Theft
  1752. Theme
  1753. Thersites
  1754. Thief
  1755. Thing
  1756. Thinker, Thinking
  1757. Thirst
  1758. Thirteenth
  1759. Thirty
  1760. Thistle
  1761. Thorn-bush
  1762. Thorns
  1763. Thought
  1764. Thread
  1765. Threats, Threatening
  1766. Three
  1767. Threshing
  1768. Thrift
  1769. Thriving
  1770. Throne
  1771. Thunder
  1772. Thunder-bolt
  1773. Tide, Ebb, Flow
  1774. Tieing
  1775. Tiger
  1776. Time
  1777. Timidity
  1778. Tinker
  1779. Tired
  1780. Tiring
  1781. Titles
  1782. Tobacco
  1783. Tocsin
  1784. Toil
  1785. Tongue
  1786. Tools
  1787. Towers
  1788. Too Late (Procrastination)
  1789. Too Many
  1790. Too Soon (Premature)
  1791. Too Swift
  1792. Torch
  1793. Tormenting
  1794. Tortoise
  1795. Touching
  1796. Touchstone
  1797. Toys
  1798. Traceys
  1799. Trade
  1800. Tranquillity
  1801. Translators
  1802. Trap
  1803. Travelling, Traveller
  1804. Treachery
  1805. Treason, Traitors
  1806. Treasure
  1807. Tree
  1808. Trials
  1809. Trick
  1810. Tricks
  1811. Trickery
  1812. Tripe
  1813. Trouble
  1814. Trumpet
  1815. Trumpeter
  1816. Trust
  1817. Truth
  1818. Try
  1819. Turn About
  1820. Turning Post
  1821. Turnip
  1822. Tuscan
  1823. Twig
  1824. Two
  1825. Tyrant
  1826. Uncertainty
  1827. Understanding
  1828. Undertaking
  1829. Undertakings
  1830. Undoing
  1831. Unfortunate
  1832. Ungained
  1833. Unhappy
  1834. Union
  1835. Unkindness
  1836. Upbraiding
  1837. Upright
  1838. Useful
  1839. Useless
  1840. Unlearned
  1841. Use
  1842. Usurer
  1843. Vacuum
  1844. Valor
  1845. Valued
  1846. Vanity
  1847. Vanquished
  1848. Variety
  1849. Varnishing
  1850. Vengeance
  1851. Venom
  1852. Venture
  1853. Venus
  1854. Vice
  1855. Victor, Victory
  1857. Villain
  1858. Vine, Vineyard
  1859. Vinegar
  1860. Violent
  1861. Virtue
  1862. Virtuous
  1863. Voice
  1864. Vows
  1865. Vulgar
  1866. Vulgarity
  1867. Wager
  1868. Wages
  1869. Wagon
  1870. Wailing
  1871. Wait
  1872. Wake
  1873. Walking
  1874. Wall
  1875. Want, Wants
  1876. Wares
  1877. Warning
  1878. War
  1879. Washing
  1880. Waste
  1881. Watching
  1882. Water
  1883. Way
  1884. Ways
  1885. Way of the World
  1886. Weak
  1887. Weakest
  1888. Wealth
  1889. Weapon
  1890. Wear
  1891. Weather
  1892. Wedding Ring
  1893. Wedge
  1894. Weeds
  1895. Weeping
  1896. Weigh
  1897. Weight
  1898. Welshman
  1899. Welcome
  1900. Well
  1901. Well, Well
  1902. Well-doing
  1903. Well-wisher
  1904. Wheel
  1905. Wherries
  1906. Whip
  1907. Whipping
  1908. Whisper
  1909. Wickedness
  1910. Widow
  1911. Wife
  1912. Wild-oats
  1913. Wilful
  1914. Will
  1915. Willing
  1916. Willows
  1917. Wind
  1918. Wine
  1919. Wink
  1920. Winning
  1921. Winter
  1922. Wisdom
  1923. Wise
  1924. Wishing
  1925. Wit
  1926. Witch
  1927. Witness
  1928. Witnesses
  1929. Woe
  1930. Wolf
  1931. Woman
  1932. Wonder
  1933. Wonders
  1934. Wood
  1935. Wooden Leg
  1936. Woods
  1937. Wooing
  1938. Wool
  1939. Word
  1940. Work
  1941. Workman
  1942. World
  1943. Wormwood
  1944. Worn Out
  1945. Worship
  1946. Worst
  1947. Worth
  1948. Wound
  1949. Wranglers
  1950. Wrangling
  1951. Wren
  1952. Wrestling
  1953. Wrinkle
  1954. Writing
  1955. Wrong
  1956. Wrongs
  1957. Xerxes
  1958. Year
  1959. Yoeman
  1960. Yielding
  1961. Yorkshire
  1962. Youth
  1963. Youth (Age)
  1964. Zeal