
Robert Christy, comp. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages. 1887.


Buy the bed of a great debtor.Italian.

Buy what thou hast no need of and ere long thou shalt sell thy necessaries.Franklin.

Buy when it is market time.German.

Buy your greyhound, don’t rear him.Portuguese.

Buy your neighbor’s ox and woo your neighbor’s daughter.German.

Buyers and sellers dispute over a single cash.Chinese.

Buyers are esteemed, good men dross are deemed.Chinese.

Buying a thing too dear is no bounty.

Buying and selling is but winning and losing.

Buying fresh fish and vegetables, examine them first, then fix the price.Chinese.

He who disparages wants to buy.French, Italian, German, Spanish.

Do not buy a red-haired person; do not sell one either, if you have one in the house, drive him away.Turkish.

Do not buy of a huckster or be negligent at an inn.Spanish.

Don’t buy a cat in a bag.German, Dutch.

Don’t buy a pig in a poke.

Don’t buy everything that’s cheap, and you’ll escape being taken in.Chinese.

He buys well who is not called a donkey.Spanish.

He that buys by the pennyworth keeps his own house and another man’s.Italian.

He that buys lawn before he can fold it,
Shall repent him before he has sold it.

He who buys a house gets many a plank and nail for nothing.German.

He who buys betimes buys cheaply.Italian.

He who buys the broom can also buy the handle.Italian.

He who buys what he don’t want will sell what he does want.Italian, German.

It is good to buy when another wants to sell.Italian.

It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer, but when he is gone his way then he boasteth.Bible.

No man buys yams while they are yet in the ground.Tropics.

There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers.

They buy gude cheap that bring naething hame.

When you buy genuine articles, and you must lose, lose as little as possible.Chinese.

When you buy one fine thing you must buy ten more that your appearance may be all of a piece.

Who always buys and sells, feels not what he spends.

Who buys had need of eyes, but one’s enough to sell the stuff.

Who buys wants a hundred eyes;
Who sells need have but one.Dutch.

Who buys without discretion buys to sell.Martial.