James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Franklin, W. B., in Peninsular campaign, 126; and succession to McClellan, 183; Fredericksburg, 184; and Burnside, 207. Frayser’s Farm, battle, 143. Fredericksburg campaign, policy of offensive, 183; plan and failure, 184; effect on morale, 185, 187; effect on Lincoln and at North, 185; Burnside’s later movements, Mud march, 186. Fremantle, A. J. L., on scarcity in South, 367; on railroad difficulties, 372; on blockade-running, 380. Frémont, J. C., as commander in Missouri, 50; emancipation order, 51–53; investigation and removal, 53–56; new command, 125; and Jackson’s Valley operations, 127, 129; under Pope, 157; and succession to Hooker, 231. Frémont, Jessie B., and husband’s removal, 54. Front Royal, battle, 129. Fugitive slaves, as contraband, 49. Gaines, Fort, surrender, 336. Gaines’s Mill, battle, 135–142. Garfield, J. A., on regret at civil war, 29. Garnett, R. B., in Pickett’s charge, killed, 241. Georgia, secession, 5. See also Atlanta campaign; March to the sea. Gettysburg campaign, Lee’s purpose in invasion, and Vicksburg, 225; Confederate advance, 226, 227; Hooker’s movements, 226; Confederate conduct in Pennsylvania, 228; alarm and measures for defence, 228–230; Meade displaces Hooker, 230–232; army and the change, 232; Meade’s advance, Lee’s concentration, battle, first day, 233; Meade on the field, 233, 234; positions, 234; second day, Lee’s confidence and attack, Longstreet’s opposition, 235, 236; Federal council, 236; third day: Lee and Longstreet, bombardment, 237; Pickett’s charge, 238–244; justification of charge, question of counter-charge, 244; Lee’s retreat, Meade’s failure to attack, 245; Lincoln and escape of Lee, 246–247; decisiveness, 259; effect abroad, 279. Gibson, Milner, and Emancipation Proclamation, 273. Gildersleeve, B. L., on scarcity, 369. Gladstone, W. E., and Trent affair, 75; Southern sympathy, 262; indiscreet speech, 269; and intervention, 271. Glasgow, Scot., and Emancipation Proclamation, 274. Glendale, battle, 143. Gold. See Specie payments. Gosport navy yard, abandoned, 20. Grady, Henry, on conduct of slaves, 381. Grand Gulf, Miss., in Vicksburg campaign, 252, 253. Grant, U. S., on McClellan’s cruel responsibility, 62; Fort Henry, 86; Fort Donelson, 87–92; credit for the success, on the victory, 93; treatment by Halleck and McClellan, effect, 93, 94, 96; Shiloh, 98–107; popular feeling against, 107–109, 249, 250; Lincoln’s attitude, 108; relieved of command, 109; on McClellan’s ability, 182; on Murfreesborough, 200; Vicksburg, 247–258; as a strategist, 250; conduct during siege, 255–257; reënforcements for Rosecrans, 295; general Western command, relieves Rosecrans, 296; Chattanooga, 297–299; recognition, 302; Lieutenant-General, commissioning, 303; visits Meade and Sherman, 304; popularity, attitude and appearance, 304, 305; grand strategy, 306; Wilderness, 306–308; respect for Lee, forward movement, 308; Spottsylvania, policy of attrition, 309, 310; “all summer” despatch, 309; Cold Harbor, regret, 311; crosses the James, 312, 322; results of campaign, comparison with earlier ones, 312–314; and Presidential candidacy (1864), 320; Petersburg, 322, 333; policy of attrition suspended, 322; and Lincoln’s visit, 323; effect of campaign on, conduct, 325; and Early’s raid, 327, 328; public disappointment, 329; “cradle and grave” letter, 337; and Sheridan’s Valley campaign, 338; on Presidential election, 339; sees necessity of destroying Southern armies, 365; and March to the sea, 398, 409; temperament, 401; and Thomas at Nashville, 410, 411; results of grand strategy, 411, 412; consultation with Lincoln and Sherman (1865), 427; generalship in final campaign, 429, 434 n.; final campaign before Richmond, 430–433; Appomattox campaign, 434–436. Gray, Asa, on Lincoln, 319; on the army, 341.