James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
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coincidence of Gettysburg, especially as the popular mind might associate both victories with the Fourth of July, the day of the nation’s birth. With Gettysburg and Vicksburg the war should have come to an end. 1 While the North took courage in that a great military leader had arisen to give aim to its resources, the South was profoundly depressed over her defeat in the two campaigns. Because of the failure of the invasion into Pennsylvania and “the expressions of discontent in the public journals at the result of the expedition” and the fear that such a feeling might extend to the soldiers, Lee earnestly requested Davis to supply his place as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia with “a younger and abler man”; but this request was promptly refused. 2 60Note 1. See authorities cited, IV, 320, note; Richard Taylor, Destruction and Reconstruction, 230; O. R., IV, II, 664. Gen. Wayne, C. S. A., son of Justice Wayne, said to Maj. H. L. Higginson in 1866, “After Vicksburg and Gettysburg most men, well-informed, knew that the contest was useless and wicked. Jo. Johnston held that opinion. But Davis and Lee disagreed with it and were much blamed on that account.” Letter of H. L. Higginson, Feb. 16, 1905. [back] |
Note 2. Mrs. J. Davis, II, 393; O. R., XXIX, Pt. II, 639. Authorities for the Vicksburg campaign O. R., XXIV, Pts. I, III; IV; Grant; W. Sherman; W. R. Livermore; same Milt. Hist. Soc., IX; Welles’s Diary, I; N. & H., VII; Wilson’s Dana; Wilson’s Under the Old Flag; Wilson’s Life of Rawlins, M. S.; Dana’s Recollections; W. F. Smith; John Fiske; Grant’s private letters; Wister’s Grant; Garland’s Grant; Vilas, The Vicksburg Campaign. [back] |