James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Great Britain, effect of Bull Run, 46; neutrality proclamation, 64, 65; sentiment (1861), 65–69; and intervention, 69, 268–271; newspaper recrimination, 69; Trent affair, 70–83; and blockade, 110; sympathy of various classes, 260; Southern sympathy and slavery, 261; sailing of Florida, 262; Alabama affair, 263–268; effect of Northern reverses, 268, 278; reception of Emancipation Proclamation, 272–276; apologies for slavery, 276; Southern sympathy of literary men, 277, 278; effect of Northern victories, 279; Laird-rams affair, 279–284; and Confederate envoy, 285, 286; importance of course, 285; grain from North, 348. Greeley, Horace, appeal on emancipation, 154; advocates mediation, 201; peace negotiations, 333, 334. Grey, Sir George, and Trent affair, 75. Grimes, J. W., on Frémont’s emancipation order, 53; on Cameron, 84; and Cabinet crisis, 189, 190; on Lincoln as dictator, 350. Grote, George, attitude, 68, 277. Grow, G. A., and isolation of Washington, 21. Habeas corpus, writ of, Lincoln’s extra-legal suspension, 48; suspension in South, 95; suspensions in North, 353–355; comparison of Southern suspensions, 392–394. See also Arbitrary arrests. Hall, Newman, and Emancipation Proclamation, 273. Halleck, H. W., and attack on forts Henry and Donelson, 86; and Grant after Fort Donelson, 93, 94, 96; and Grant after Shiloh, 108, 109; Corinth campaign, 110; as General-in-chief, 157, 160, 303; and McClellan’s plans after Peninsular campaign, 159; contemporary doubts of ability, 163; and Burnside after Fredericksburg, 186, 207; on Stone’s River, 199; and Hooker, 208, 224, 231, 244. Hancock, W. S., Gettysburg, 233, 237–242, 244; Cold Harbor, 311. Harding, Sir John, and Alabama, 266. Harper’s Ferry, abandoned (1861), 20; in Antietam campaign, 167. Harriet Lane, Fort Sumter expedition, 12 n. Harrisburg, Pa., threatened, 227, 229. Haskell, Frank, on appointment of Meade, 232; on Pickett’s charge, 240, 242. Hatteras Island, captured, 110. Hay, John, on isolation of Washington, 21, 22; on character of first troops, 31; on McClellan’s inactivity, 60; on McClellan’s discourtesy, 63; on fear of Merrimac, 113; on Peninsular campaign, 126; on Lincoln and Second Bull Run, 160; on political conditions (1864), 335, 339; on effect of war on Lincoln, 363. Henderson, G. F. R., on Jackson’s Valley operations, 131, 141. Henry, Fort, importance, capture, 86. Herndon, W. H., on Frémont’s emancipation order, 53. Higginson, H. L., on prolongation of the war, 259 n. Hill, A. P., Seven Days, 135–137; corps command, 225; Gettysburg campaign, 226. Hill, D. H., Seven Days, 135–137. Holmes, O. W., on British attitude, 67; on Fort Donelson, 92. Homestead Act, result, 348. Hood, J. B., displaces Johnston, attacks on Sherman, 332; evacuates Atlanta, 337; Nashville campaign, 398, 409–412. Hooker, Joseph, and Burnside, 207; appointment to Army of the Potomac, justification, 207–210; reorganizes army, restores morale, 210; Chancellorsville, 211–221; Lincoln’s support after Chancellorsville, 224, 244; and Lee’s invasion, 226; relieved, 231–233; sent to Chattanooga, 295, 298; comparison with Grant’s Virginia campaign, 313. Howard, O. O., as commander, 213; Chancellorsville, 214, 216–221. Humphreys, A. A., and succession to McClellan, 183; Gettysburg, 236 n.; as corps commander, 430. Hunt, H. J., Gettysburg, 238. Hunter, David, emancipation order, 150. Hunter, R. M. T., Hampton Roads Conference, 417–419. Illinois, action of Democratic legislature, 201. Immigration, and the army, 302, 331; and agriculture, 348. Imperial, inaugurates reopening of the Mississippi, 258. Impressment, in South, 386–389. Income tax, 47, 148.