James Ford Rhodes (1848–1927). History of the Civil War, 1861–1865. 1917.
Subject Index
Democratic party, policy in Northwest, 201; and arbitrary arrests, 349, 353; Copperheads and War Democrats, 350; spokesmen, 351; character and justification of opposition, 351–353. See also Elections. Desertion, in Confederate army, 382–384. Dicey, Edward, on Anglo-Saxon relations, 67. Dickens, Charles, Southern sympathy, 278. Direct tax, 47. Disraeli, Benjamin, and Northern reverses, 278. District of Columbia, abolition of slavery, 149. See also Washington. Donelson, Fort, importance, 86, 87; failure of naval attack, 87; Confederate sortie, 88, 89; Grant’s prompt action, 89; Federal charge, 90; surrender, 91; effect, 91, 94; credit, 92; not followed up, 94, 97. Draft. See Conscription. Drewry’s Bluff, naval attack (1862), 127 n. Dudley, T. H., and Alabama, 263–265; and Laird rams, 279, 281. Early, J. A., Gettysburg campaign, 227; in Shenandoah Valley (1864), 325; raid on Washington, 326–328; defeats by Sheridan, 338, 339. Elections, 1860: and slavery, character, 1; and secession, 2.—1862: unfavorable to administration, 175.—1863: favorable to administration, 299.—1864: disaffection from Lincoln, Chase’s candidacy, 318, 319, 334, 335; trend toward Lincoln’s renomination, 319; Grant and candidacy, 320; effect of Wilderness campaign, 320; Lincoln renominated, 321; Democratic nomination and platform, 335, 337; effect of victories, 337–339; State elections, 338; result, meaning, 339. Eliot, T. D., and Cameron’s negro-soldier recommendation, 85 n. Emancipation, contrabands, 49; Frémont’s order, 51–53; in District of Columbia and territories, 149; policy of, gradual and compensated, 149–152, 174, 198, 420; Lincoln and Hunter’s order, 150; preparation of Proclamation, 152, 170, 171; attitude of radicals, 153; Greeley’s appeal, Lincoln’s reply, 154; Antietam and Proclamation, 170, 198; pros and cons, 172; final Cabinet meeting, issue of preliminary Proclamation, 173, 174; final Proclamation, 196; legal basis, 197; value abroad, reception in England, 198, 272–276; slaves’ knowledge of Proclamation, 381, 408; Thirteenth Amendment, 412. Emerson, R. W., on reëlection of Lincoln, 339. England. See Great Britain. Ericsson, John, Monitor, 111, 116. Ewell, R. S., corps command, 225; advance in Pennsylvania, 226, 227; evacuation of Richmond, 432. Exeter Hall, meeting on Emancipation Proclamation, 274. Fair Oaks, battle, 131, 132. Farragut, D. G., opportunity, 118; New Orleans, 119–123; appreciation, 123; Mobile Bay, 336. Federal property, Lincoln policy in seceded States, seizure there, 6. Federal relations in North, 361–363. Fessenden, W. P., on need of military advance (1861), 36; and legal tenders, 146; and Cabinet crisis, 189, 190; on Lincoln, 195; on 37th Congress, 205; on financial danger (1864), 360. Finances, improvement in Federal, 206; bad condition (1864), 330; burden, 360; collapse of Confederate, 414. See also Bonds; Money; Taxation. Fisher, Fort, captured, 414. Fiske, John, on Vicksburg, 254. Fite, E. D., on Northern agriculture, 347. Five Forks, battle, 431. Florida, secession, 5. Florida, construction and sailing, 262. Food conditions in South, 369, 414. Foote, A. H., Fort Henry, 86; Fort Donelson, 87, 90; Island No. 10, 124; on Halleck, 157, 163. Foreign affairs, Seward’s proposed policy, 8; and question of military advance, 37; effect of Bull Run, 46. See also Belligerency; Blockade; Great Britain; Mediation; Napoleon III; Neutrality. Fox, G. V., Fort Sumter expedition, 12; as Assistant Secretary of War, 110; and plan against New Orleans, 118; on Farragut’s success, 123; on Laird rams, 284; and Early’s raid, 326, 328. Fractional currency, issue, 203, 345; in South, 385. France. See Napoleon III. Franco-Prussian War, preparedness, 33.