
Synthesis Essay Museum

Decent Essays

Museums collect information to show to the public for educational advancement and personal enjoyment. Museum curators have a very imperative job, when it comes to the success of a museum. Museum curators take the time and dedication to find artifacts that not only fit the theme of the museum but they also have to consider price, authenticity, and origin. The artifacts chosen mush hold a “Wow” factor registering remembrance and relevance into the minds of its visitors. The artifacts should be chosen based upon significance not the monetary value.

The goal of any business is to make a profit, museums are no different. Capture hearts, attention, and pocketbooks. The museum curators must choose artifacts and things to feature in exhibits that will allure and attract guests and bring profit to the museum. The two problems facing museums success is “money and management’’ (source A, Rockefeller). The excerpt from an autobiography written by a fellow Rockefeller highlights the fiscal burden the management of a museum inflicts upon the owners. With the lack of support from trustees, who showed more support toward some “exhibitions, acquisitions, and programs.” rather than others, the Museum of Modern Arts floundered under pressure creating a endless financial cycle featuring deficits, debt, …show more content…

This museum possesses the potential to serve as a universal locus; the attributes collect the attention of people of all ages and walks of life. In comparison to the Charles W. Peele museum the Metropolitan museum features a Holocaust exhibit complete with art, artifacts, and personal Nazi collections that will attract a more mature audience. The Peele museum is primarily for amusement while the Met is to advance the education of contemporary matters and live out its mission, to keep the public informed of “all aspects of its collection through illustrated publications” and “bring profound conviction of the unlawful and immoral spoliation of art” (source

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