
Edward T Preserving Memory Book Review

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Linenthal, Edward T. Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum. New York: Edward T. Linenthal, 2001.

In this book, the author describes the long process it takes to create a national museum that will commemorate the Holocaust. He covers issues such as, the location of it, the design and construction aspects of the museum building. He informs readers about how they’ve tried to represent the Holocaust through the museum with sensitivity. I will use specific facts from this book to show that this museum was built with the help of many and required a lot of thought into it. I will show that this museum does in fact show sensitivity to an individual.

Nesfield, Victoria. 2015. "Keeping Holocaust education relevant …show more content…

“Facts and Figures.” Museum Press Kit. Accessed on [19 March 2016]. This website is also part of the official website of the Holocaust Memorial Museum. This website provides statistics about visitors to the museum, visitors online, collections and reference services and special exhibitions. I will use this source to initially prove that many people pay attention to this museum and the history behind it.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Holocaust Encyclopedia. Accessed on [19 March 2016].

This website is the official website of the Holocaust Memorial Museum. This website provides information about what the Holocaust was, the administration of the “final solution” of the Holocaust and the end of the Holocaust. It gives detailed events and specific dates that took place during the Holocaust. I will use this source to provide the reader with a better understanding of how the creation of the museum ties to a historical event, the Holocaust. I will show the reader that there is a much greater meaning behind this museum than any other

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