
African American Tourism

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In the Robyn Autry article, it mainly focuses on the national conflict of museums mainly focusing towards African American. The author travel to 15 museums around the United States that focuses towards African American. She mainly talks about how the African American were facing numerous hardships in the U.S and how the museum represents those issues to the general public. She believes the way to tell the hardship of African Americans is by exhibiting through a museum. When traveling through these museums she focused towards “centered on three traumatic episodes: capture and displacement from Africa, enslavement, and racial segregation” (Autry 64). The author of the articles wants to show that over time that museums meanings has changed over …show more content…

There are multiple reasons on why people visit these tourist destinations, but the author feel that the main reason that people go to dark tourism is because of the emotional feeling. Stones states “a dark experience requires empathy/emotion” (579 Stone). The main idea is that it create emotions of the people who are experiencing dark tourism. Dark tourism bring an entire new perspectives that which most people have forgotten about death. People don’t have a strong relationship towards death because it almost hidden away in modern society. People are focusing on other things around them. For example the authors says “ Consequently modern ideology espouses a celebration of life and living, amplified by a post-modern focus on youth… thoughts of death…are repressed” (Stone 582). The ways in modern society cover death is by “absent death privatization of meaning, the medicalization of dying and the professionalization of the death”. (Stone 585). When people think of death towards medical they don’t really think about because they think it’s for science department. While for the funeral department people don’t really think about death because in the modern world people are becoming less religious. Yet the world is still interested towards death. Stones points out that “pervasive feature in the popular cultural landscape … it may be considered fascinating, educational or even humorous” (Stone 585). It shows that dark tourism combines all of these factors that would want for the general public to be involve which causes dark tourism to

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