
Heartland Museum Report

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By working at Heartland Museum, I learned a tremendous amount about the field of public history, museum work, and also education as I created artifact summaries for an educational history trunk. The museum started in 1999 in order to tell a story about the local history. The museum mainly focuses on agriculture in North Central Iowa, and the museum preserves collections in order to celebrate small towns in rural Iowa. Throughout the experience, I learned the importance and care of working with an artifact along with operations within a museum. As I toured Heartland Museum, I witnessed all of the items that are stored behind the scenes because museums only keep a small percentage of the belongings on display. I also learned about the process of creating a display, which includes piecing together many details like attraction, relevance, and of course history. Museums must worry about the community’s interest in the displays. Lastly, I learned about the importance of an artifact by working with some of the items. It is important to handle artifacts with care because of the fragility of the item. After the information I learned at the museum, it was my turn to experience the public …show more content…

The museum displays artifacts that tell a story about the history of the town of Clarion as well as Wright County. My role in the project included researching the items from the museum and writing a brief summary on each of the artifacts. While researching, I would look for clues on the artifact such as a manufacturer, a time period, or any specific marking that could indicate the purpose of the antique. However, on some items I failed to properly name the artifact, even though I thought I was correct. Therefore, I know I could have improved the researching

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