
Essay on REL 133 week 4 Daoism Worksheet

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Daoism Worksheet Carrie "Shellie" Cobbs World Religious Traditions I REL 133 Robert Mossman July 20, 2014 Daoism Worksheet University of Phoenix Material Daoism Worksheet Complete the following questions in detail. Answer each question with a 1- or 2-paragraph response that includes a reference citation. Make use of Experiencing the World’s Religions and other sources in your research as you complete the questions. 1. Describe the principles of yang and yin. As stated by the Shen-nong website, “Ancient people were greatly interested in the relationships and patterns that occurred in nature. Instead of studying isolated things, the viewed the world as a harmonious and holistic entity” ("Yin yang," 2005, p. 1). Yin and yang …show more content…

This creates discussion about whether Laozi was an actual person who wrote the Tao Te Ching as some Western scholars have concluded or if the Tao Te Ching is just a collection of work from various authors. Chinese scholars have accepted that Laozi was an actual person and that there are exaggerated stories and folklore about him. 3. How are Daoist ideals expressed through art? Offer several examples. Paintings are a common vehicle for expressing Daoism ideals through art. The Consumer Guide states, “Although these arts are often profound in their expressive ability, they are not encumbered by the restrictions of intellectual content” ("Taoist Arts," 2014, p. 1). Taoist art also involves calligraphy. Painting and calligraphy were not considered professions but yet a practice that indicated one maturity in the beliefs of Taoism. Carvings, pottery, and fine linens are also considered art. However, meditation can also be seen as a form of art in Taoism. 4. What challenges does Daoism face in the modern world? Daoism is a daily guide to living so a person can experience the most of their own self. Daoism teaches the follower to look inside and to gain knowledge through self-exploration and to connect with our inner nature. The yin and yang shows the complementary sides of objects and nature, even the human body. The Taoist Sanctuary of San Diego states, “All is Tao. All opposites are in actuality part of one whole, giving rise to one another. Neither is

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