
Laozi Essay

Decent Essays

Laozi (Laozi), also known as Classic of the Way and Virtue (Dao de jing), consists of just over 5,000 Chinese characters. Its 81 chapters are divided into two parts, Dao (the Way) and De (Virtue). Short as it is, the book has played a tremendous role in the development of Chinese culture. It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in ancient China. The thought of Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China. It has also exerted a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation. Today Laozi still plays a role in development of Chinese thinking.
Dao simply means “the way”. For Confucians, tien bestows “human nature”, and in following our human nature we are in fact following …show more content…

To shrink it you must stretch it; to weaken it you must strengthen it; to discard it you must raise it up; to seize it you must bestow it – this is called subtle discernment. The weak and supple overcomes the strong and hard. Fish must not emerge from the deeps; the vital tools of a state must not be revealed”. In the common commercial activities, both buyers and sellers could not take unilateral action, neither give nor take are impossible. They necessarily were conditioned on release amount of goods or money. Under a certain article give can be converted to take, to give can accelerate the process of business development, can be converted to take, which means it is start with a more effective way than simply ask for the thing that eager to take. To achieve the purpose which is not only means to take but dialectically unified both take and give. Many ancient Chinese ideologists have unique insights of business activities, which they also created typical thoughts about “give and

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