
Legalist Qin Dynasty

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The Period of the Warring States was a time of turmoil and unrest in Chinese history. It started during the decline of the Zhou Dynasty in 479 BCE and lasted until 221 BCE. The 100 Chinese states fought and conquered one another, until the state of Qin triumphed over the rest and formed the Qin Dynasty. Some of the largest effects that came from the Period of the Warring States were the forming of the Legalist Qin Dynasty, the spread and adoption of Confucianist ideas, and the influence of the Daoist philosophy on Chinese society.

After the chaos ended, the Legalist Qin Dynasty proved an effective, but short-lived approach to governing the Chinese society. The centralized government ruled with an iron fist and demonstrated control over its …show more content…

His philosophies did not seem to be effective during his lifetime, but after his death and in the following dynasties, his ideas came to be revolutionary for the time. After his death, disciples of Confucius compiled his works into the Analects. The Analects contained his most famous ideas and continued to educate new disciples even after his death. One of Confucius’ famous concepts was a set of relationships to show authority. These were called the 5 Right Relationships. They demonstrated which how a person should respect the other people around them and made sure that the social hierarchy stayed in place. Confucius also had ideas concerning rulers and government. One of his main principles was ren, or humaneness. He believed that leaders should possess this trait in order to rule effectively. One of Confucius’ disciples, Mengzi, took a special interest in ren and started extrapolating on Confucianism with ren as the most important concept. Another principle was li, which meant etiquette, ritual, and behavior. Li was meant to guide people on proper decorum. Confucius’ disciple, Xunzi, was an influential philosopher of the Warring States time. His ideas were based around the principle of li. In the philosophies created by Confucius’ followers, and in his own concepts, Confucianism forever changed Chinese society and …show more content…

The founder of Daoism was a sage named Laozi. Laozi and other sages wrote the main Daoist literary work, the Daodejing, which educated disciples of Daoism on the main topics of the philosophy. The Daodejing contained the most basic principles of Daoism, such as dao and wuwei. In addition to this, Daoism had a great effect on Chinese culture and art. After Daoism was prevalent in the Warring States time, many art pieces depicted nature as a huge, vast being and humans as small, powerless to nature’s forces. This was a main concept of Daoism, which was centered around disengaging so nature can control one’s life and make it harmonious. Another concept of Daoism that lingered in Chinese society is the pairing of yin and yang. Yin and yang represent two opposite forces that perfectly balance, creating the perfect symbiotic relationship. Balance and peace were very important concepts in Daoism, and this relationship symbolized the harmony that could occur when two forces were perfectly matched. Yin and yang also inspired art works and scenes in movies, such as the film Hero. One famous disciple of Daoism was Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi was credited with writing one of the famous and foundational Daoist works, the Zhuangzi. It consisted of fables and anecdotes about the carefree nature of Zhuangzi as the

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