
Daoism : A Concept Of Good And Evil

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Daoism Daoism is synonymous with Taoism; in this religious philosophy, the way of nature is central theme of life. It was founded by Lao Tzu in 500BC in China. Lao is believed to have authored the “Dao de Jing”, which details the Daoist beliefs. Dao is a concept, a way, a principle that will lead a person to a happy, peaceful life. Dao can be achieved by incorporating the Three Jewel of Taoism that are humility, simplicity and compassion in one’s life. According to Dao, de Jing “The Way to Heaven is to benefit others and not to injure”.15 Further, there is no concept of good and evil, the Dao is simply the universe, which is perceived as a self- sustaining entity that generates energy called qi. Like other Chinese traditions, Daoist also have great reverence for the spirits of ancestors as well as spirits of nature that is plants, animals, rivers, etc. 16 This qi is divided into the yin and yang which refer to the opposite and complementary forces in nature. The dark female aspect and the light male aspects both which are dynamic and symbolized the ever changing but perfectly balanced forces of the universe. They stand for the cycles in life that is creation and death, hence transforming into one another ultimately creating the qi in the universe, which is the substance all existence is comprised of. These forces reflect the central concept that all existence is made of the same substance that is qi and humans are merely a small part of a much larger complex cosmos. The

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