
The Daoist Outlook On Life

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The Daoist Outlook On Life The Daodejing by Laozi is an eastern philosophical piece of literature; in the Daodejing, the teachings of Daoism are taught. Daoism is a system of philosophical, ethical, and religious Chinese teachings and practices that focus on living in harmony with the Dao and ones self. The word “Daodejing” can be divided into three separate words; Dao, De, and Jing, which all have different meanings. The Dao means "way" or path as the Dao helps guide the individual. The De means "virtue", "personal character," or "inner strength", which focuses on self-realization, inner peace, and balance; while the Jing means “rules” or “instructions”. Together, these three words can be translated to mean “Classic of the Way and Virtue” or “The Book of the Way and its Virtue”. The practice of Daoism and reading the Daodejing teaches individuals to flow with life while keeping a balance in all aspects of the their daily life. Daoism does not make a distinction between metaphysics, epistemology, or other ways of thinking. It also does not make a distinction between philosophy and religion. Instead, both philosophy and religion are thought of as one in the Daodejing. For this reason, Daoism is an exemplary type of philosophy for those who want to focus on their own self-realization and development while keeping in touch with those around them and nature. The Daoist outlook on life focuses on the relationship between humanity and nature. In the Daodejing, there is a

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