
My Hero Is My Mom

Decent Essays

A hero can be defined by anybody based on a particular characteristic that is done “heroically” or is done by somebody with a heart of gold that was there in time to help and be a hero. But a hero doesn’t have to be a stranger, it can be a friend, family member, or a neighbor from next door who knows how to help. Basically, anybody can be a hero, but most of the time it’ll come from the most unexpected place and unexpected person. This a story about my personal hero, my Mom. She has been through a lot, but has never backed down being really strong, determined, and having a heart of gold because she’s a good person who has done the right thing. My mom is an amazing person for all of the things she did to support not just herself, but two children while going to college, and working three different jobs to have everything she needed to take care of her beautiful, little angels. My mom went through an interesting hardship when she was raising two kids, working three jobs, and going to College at the same time when my sister and I were very young. This was a grueling, yet an exciting endeavor that my mom went through when living in Williston in the early 90s even after I was born, going to school and working long hours to support her and her children. In the year 2000 of January, I was born. But that didn’t stop my mom from working or going to school because she worked harder for all of us to have a future and she didn’t stop no matter what happened even if it was something

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