
I Am Not Like A Community College Student

Decent Essays

I am not like a typical community college student. I migrated to the Unites States at the age of 12 with my family. Moving to the US at this age was quite challenging; however, having to grow up in a third world country in an impoverish environment was even more challenging. I remember it very vividly; the company that my father worked for shutting down, thus taking away my families only source of income. Due to the economic instability, it was extremely difficult for my father to find another job. So, he decided to take a huge risk and invest in a family business of stationery materials. The long hours and stress weighed down my father, and greatly affected my family. Consequently, I had to work even harder to ensure the security of our family income. While my friends were sleeping, I would wake up at six in the morning to open and set up the shop. Also, since my family couldn’t afford basic transportation, I had to walk to and from school daily. After returning from school, I would work at the shop while attempting to finish schoolwork until closing. While my peers were enjoying their childhood, I was being crushed by the responsibilities of my demanding family business and my overwhelming heap of schoolwork. However, facing such adversity gave me a strong sense of perseverance and diligence that I will always cherish, respect, and retain. I was fortunate enough to immigrate to the United States and start my life over. Even though moving to a completely new country at the

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