
Personal Narrative: Achieving The American Dream

Decent Essays

I was born in the capital of Colombia, Bogota. At the age of six, my family decided we would immigrate to the United States in search of economical stability, a better quality of life and better opportunities of education for my brother and I. My parents were ready to leave their families, jobs, and everything they knew behind. They talked about how wonderful life in the United States would be, and found comfort in the abundance of jobs, good salaries, good schools and opportunities North America would offer our family. I then believed that stepping foot on the US was a guarantee for a wonderful life, the American dream. Unfortunately from the beginning of my journey I realized life is not easy and mature immensely in the ongoing process of achieving the American dream. Coming to Boston was a rude awakening from the beginning. My parents could not hide their stress, frustrations and sadness due to the difficulties of finding a job without speaking the language. I saw the hardships of life, and how nothing was given to my parents. Even after finding a job the journey for our family has not been easy. For a while I saw my mom coming home crying because of the way she was mistreated at work. I felt useless as I couldn’t do anything to help her and I knew how much of a hard worker she’s always been and I’m incredibly grateful for …show more content…

During this time my mom dealt with unemployment for almost two months. She now has a good baby-sitting job and I’m extremely proud to say my mom has done everything in her power to raise my brother and I. She has become a more independent driven woman, whose growth has shown me that the struggles that life brings are actually opportunities to be better. I face my challenges with confidence because I know I can only learn from them and they will shape the person that I want to become. I no longer face obstacles but

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