
Liberalism Vs Conservatism

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Liberalism and Conservatism The differences between Liberalism and Conservatism are vast. These philosophies are in opposition to each other. Liberalism is based on active government involvement in the lives of people to make sure that they are taken care of financially, rights are not violated, and that their healthcare needs are taken care of; mostly by the government. Liberalism believes that people cannot take care of themselves without government involvement (Sidlow, 2017). On the other hand, Conservatism places a high value on being free of government control or regulation. They also hold tight to traditional American values and traditions (Sidlow, 2017). Some of these values are rooted in religious and Christian ideas. Conservatism …show more content…

Conservatives believe in the free market system, they believe that this type of market produces the most economic growth, more jobs and higher standards of living for everyone. Liberals believe that we need government protection from big business, and liberals feel that we need government to regulate the economy (, n.d.). When it comes to the idea of welfare, conservatives believe that people should be empowered, and encouraged to help themselves, and they should only receive government assistance for a short span of time. Liberals believe that the poor need assistance and without government intervention there would not be fairness in the American economy (, n.d.). Liberals view taxes as a way to help support the poor, they feel that we need high taxes in order to provide programs, and create jobs to support the poor. To the contrary, conservatives feel that taxes should be lower to give people the incentive to work, save, and give (, …show more content…

The war on terrorism is a divisive issue. Liberals believe that the US needs to stop causing anger with foreign countries, and that the US has an arrogant foreign policy that angers other countries as well (, n.d.). Social security has also been a hot button issue between the parties for a long time. Conservatives feel that our social security system is in serious financial trouble, and changes are necessary so that the US will be able to maintain the system for future generations. Liberals do not feel that our current system is in financial trouble, and if we make changes to the system, people may lose their benefits. However, liberals think that a cap on wealthy people receiving benefits (, n.d.). Liberals and conservatives also see the government’s role in religion, and the separation of church and state differently. Liberals support the separation of church and state and feel that the government should not dictate how, or if, people should have a religious belief, and they feel the government should not have a say in religious proceedings. On the contrary, conservatives feel that the government should still support and uphold the beliefs of the founding fathers and the role that their Christian views played in setting up our country. Conservatives feel that God should not be removed from government buildings or schools (,

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