
Was Thi Hoover A Liberal Or Conservative

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The terms of liberal and conservative are loosely defined. During the great depression there were two presidents, one claiming to be conservative and the other liberal. These two presidents had extremely controversial and contrasting attitudes when it came to solving the great depression. There are some speculations that neither Hoover nor Roosevelt followed their own parties belief. After defining Liberalism and Conservatism, Hoover and Roosevelt are examined to find truth behind their claims. After studying the differences between liberalism and conservatism, it is differentiate the two ideologies. During the colonial era, liberals supported Democracy over monarchy and wanted freedom and rights. Conservatives, wanted to keep the monarchy. Based on these ideas, all Americans are liberal because they are in favor of freedom and rights. However, with the new ideas, now Liberals believe that the government and laws need to change for the new times. …show more content…

He limited spending and let large business’ fail. Believing that the economy would recover on its own, he thought that there was little need for government intervention, indicating the want for a small government. This can be supported because Hoover announced, “...there shall be no domination by any group or combination in this republic...”, during his candidacy showing he believed the government should have little intervention. Hoover later stated during his presidency that “The government--nation, state, and local--can join with the community in such programs and do its part.” which indicates that he then thought that the government should intervene. However, in the same speech Hoover admitted that “I favor still further temporary expansion of these activities in aid to unemployment this winter.” showing that he did not completely agree with the idea of a bigger government providing even further that he is

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