
Opposition between Liberalism and Conservatism Essay

Decent Essays

People’s views on a wide range of issues are influenced or determined by the kind of foundational belief systems they hold. Therefore, the difference in the nature of opinions among individuals or groups of people alludes to the existence of distinct belief systems. In the course of history, the distinction between Liberalism and Conservatism has become more vivid particularly in the political arena where various players have expressed opposing points of view regarding the nation’s future. It is indeed undisputable that the foundational beliefs of Liberalism are diametrically opposed to those of Conservatism. This essay will give a definition of each term and describe how the two oppose each other.
Liberalism is a political ideology which …show more content…

In the event that the government turns out to be tyrannical, the people have the power and the right to overthrow it and bring appropriate changes for the good of all. However, this change has to be instituted rationally (Riley, 1990).
From a conservative point of view, this liberalist position is flawed with limitations. Instead, conservatives advocate for a government that acts in a resolute and strong manner in order to maintain order, traditions, and customs that have been tested and proven to be effective. In any case, conservatives regard human nature as being selfish and inclined towards acting cruelly and violently. Therefore, as opposed to entering into a compact with the people on the basis of limited powers, liberalism encourages governments to act strongly and impose harsh punishment on those who go against the law. A sense of community and adherence to social values is paramount and never dependent on voluntary, conscious, or rational decision (Riley, 1990).
The second point is that liberalism upholds the principle of equality for all regardless of name, social status, and gender, racial, cultural, or ethnic background. Liberalists advocate for a level playing ground which calls for the government to strictly control the economy and also have more power in the social arena so as to protect people from economic exploitation. Liberalists strongly push for controlled corporations, an economy that is well

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