
Conservative And Liberal Ideology On Healthcare Reform

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Conservative and Liberal ideology has been an ongoing battle within the United States ever since this country has been established. People who have different views and beliefs on how this country should be ran. I really never got into conservative and liberal battle that goes on in our country. I guess I was too busy saving peoples lives to worry about how this country should be ran. Then I started to think to myself why aren’t you caring and I said, I should start caring about what happens to my country because this my future and what will happen will play a huge part on my children futures as well. I asked myself a question what makes conservatives and liberals so passionate about their beliefs on healthcare reform, abortion etc. But ultimately the true question is which ideology will better serve the American people and help us become a great nation again. Liberals way of thinking and policies will make this country great again. I will be sharing with you all information and facts about conservatives and liberals. And I will share with you why its important for the United States to be like the liberalism ideology. But first I want to share with you some information about the conservative and liberal ideology. What is conservatism? Conservatism are views that are against the ideas of liberalism and socialism. A conservative person believes in independence, a free market government and they believe in taking responsibility for your own success. About 40 % of American

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