
Informed Consent Case Study

Decent Essays

In case one, Mrs. G. has the competency and capacity to refuse treatment, therefore the hospital is not legally required to provide care. “Informed consent is an ethical and legal concept that relates to medical decision-making. It’s a generally accepted duty of the care provider, and right of the patient, to obtain informed consent. It can be defined as the process by which the care provider seeks the affirmative allowance of the patient to provide healthcare after apprising the patient of the benefits and risks of the proposed treatment. In this way, the provider respects the autonomy of the patient and their right to determine what happens to them in accordance with their personal values, health beliefs and goals”( Ridley 2001).
For informed …show more content…

Of those who survive, about 66% suffer some permanent neurological deficit. 4 out of 7 people who recover will have disabilities. The cost of treatment, in this case by clipping via open brain surgery, more than doubles in cost after the aneurysm has ruptured”. These odds are not good for anyone especially Mrs. G is cognizant of her family’s financial situation and it is in the best interest not to burden them with more disability and …show more content…

(2001).Fast Fact and Concept #056: What to do when a patient refuses treatment, End-of-Life Physician Resource Center (EPERC). Retrieved from Brain Aneurysm Statistics and Facts (2017). Brain Aneurysm Foundation Retrieved from Ridley DT. Informed consent, informed refusal, informed choice—What is it that makes a patient’s medical treatment decisions informed? Med Law.

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