
Informed Consent Case Study

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In this case, the night of January 11, 1983, Nancy Cruzan was driving a car and lost control of her car as she traveled down Elm Road in Jasper County, Missouri. The car overturned, and Nancy Cruzan was discovered lying face down in a ditch without detectable respiratory and cardiac function. Paramedics were able to restore her breathing and heartbeat at the accident site and she was transported to a hospital in an unconscious state. Then neurosurgeon diagnosed her and found that she is having sustained probable cerebral contusions compounded by significant anoxia (lack of oxygen). The Missouri trial court found that permanent brain damage generally results after 6 minutes in an anoxic state and Nancy was in this stage for 12 to 14 minutes. …show more content…

All were agreed on that and court found that she had s conversation with her roommate once that if she will be sick or injured in future, she would not prefer artificial nutritional treatment because she had passed a healthy life. But the Supreme Court denied this because of some laws. They told that no one can assume the choice of that person who is surviving. In the article there are some examples of the cases. In those cases demonstrate, the common law doctrine of informed consent is viewed as generally encompassing the right of a competent individual to refuse medical treatment. Nancy’s case is the first case in which they have been squarely presented with the issue of whether the United States Constitution grants what is in common parlance referred to as a "right to die." The Supreme Court of Missouri held that, in this case, there is not a solid proof of patient’s desire to have hydration and nutrition withdrawn. Supreme Court reversed a decision of the Missouri trial …show more content…

According to me, he says absolutely right in this matter. It is true that they have to accept the substituted judgment and in that act if there is no clear evidence of the patient’s desire then they can include the decision of the close family member in this decision making process. They did not have to the follow the statement given by her roommate, but they just need to follow a simple law that says that somebody close from her family can make a decision behalf of her if she is not able to take decision. He has also given some other patient’s examples that in that case, the decision was made differently. He also has described the vegetable state in

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