
An Evaluation Of An Informed Consent

Decent Essays

An informed consent is the sovereign act by the patient or a research subject to authorize a healthcare professional to perform a medical procedure. It means that patients must be briefed on all the goals of the procedure, the methods to be used by the physician and all the risks that they might be subjected to while undergoing therapies/treatments. De Bord (2014), defines informed consent as “Informed consent is the process by which the treating health care provider discloses appropriate information to a competent patient so that the patient may make a voluntary choice to accept or refuse treatment” (as cited in Appelbaum, 2007). In this paper, I will argue that Jay Katz’s claim for the lack of genuine informed consent in healthcare field is firm by demonstrating and buttressing his claim. I will also pinpoint how Jay Katz’s argument is consistent with the medical professionals’ code of ethics
Jay Katz argues that informed consent entrenches and has become an essentiality, particularly during the time that medical practice were less than experimental. Furthermore, he argues that the courts made vehement pleas for more patient self-determination and concurrently weakening the pleas by giving physicians significant freedom to practice according to their own inclinations. Thus, the consequence of this and shared decision-making are identical and the existing law and the conventional medical practices fail to satisfy the concept of informed consent. The tradition of silence in

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