
Informed Consent: Uncertainty In Health Care

Decent Essays

Informed consent is commonly obtained from patients for medical treatment procedures and protocols. While it may serves as a litigated protection and assurance for healthcare professions to confidently perform their duties as healthcare providers, informed consent also ensures patient’s understanding and acknowledgement of their involvement in multiple medical interventions pertaining to their health. As the patient sign these consent documents, they might be unaware of the existence of uncertainty in medical practice. Medicine is the evident of probability because we are not physiologically created equal. Therefore, medical uncertainty is inevitable and physicians have to face tough choices to make a decision they believe to be in patient’s …show more content…

Avedon, the withhold information about the statistical data relevant to the “F.A.M”, chemotherapy treatment, appeared to have an impact on how the patient perceive the severity of his illness and consequently affected his family’s financial estate after his death. Jay Katz supported doctors’ partial disclosure to “patients, because of their anxieties over being ill…are incapable of making decisions on their own behalf” (Steinbock, Arras, & London, p. 93). In disagreement to this statement, doctors should not find such reason as a justification to their judgment in the extend of how much information should be disclose to their patients as this might creates a false belief and hope about their current health status. Physician should trust their patients, having the courage to deal with their illness as adults who have years of experience how to deal with numerous obstacles in life. At some point, we all have the moment where we choose to regress to a childlike stage. However, this moment of weakness shouldn’t perceive as incapability, instead it’s a denial when a person has to face such a drastic change in life. Just like the five stages of grief, the patient will eventually accept the facts and learn how to properly deal with the problem. In

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