
How To Read Confucius

Satisfactory Essays

I loved how the first paragraph ended in “Analects (Lunya) of Confucius”. This person was exiled from his former land and established his own form of government. By doing that, it showed me that he was a bold, smart, fair, and determined individual. Moreover, I truly found that the foundation of his newly formed government was a different approach from the other or typical types of government in that period. His government did the most astounding thing. Not only did Confucius or “The Master” government acknowledge individuals in need and with less power, but it also respected them as well. It basically treated the poorer and less fortunate individuals as human beings instead of slaves or objects that are easily disposable. I really enjoyed …show more content…

I feel like he was a very blunt, yet smooth, and charismatic speaker. The way he answered the questions to Lord Jing, Ji Kangzi, Zigong, and Zilu made me not only believe that he knew what he was doing and talking about, but also confident in his path/quest of life and truly supported and felt deeply about the things he was preaching. In addition, something I did not enjoy about the text was the quoted section writing style. It was hard for me to comprehend what was being fully said. I could not understand at first whether he was being praised or condemned for his thought on governments, and his way of viewing them on how they should be. Additionally, the names of the kings make me wonder where they are located; for example, they could possibly be from numerous locations in China, or may be somewhere in Japan. On another note, Confucius’s view of the government putting people who need assistance in life is something people with political power should do today. Now, I am not saying do everything for a person because they will not learn to do for themselves. I suggest that there is a system that gives people who do not have the chance for success like someone born into wealth a foundation where they will not be starting with nothing. For example, a fight. It is not a fair battle whatsoever if one person or a group has a gun or guns, and the other side just have their hands, feet, and clothes on their backs. The lesser side nine point nine times out of ten will without a doubt will lose

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