
Family Values and Political Obedience in 'Confucius' Analects'

Decent Essays

Family values and political obedience in "The Analects" by Confucius
"The Analects,'" also known as the Analects of Confucius contains sayings, passages, and anecdotes that reflects the great philosopher's thoughts about life, and the social and political dynamics that people experience in their lives everyday. While Confucius is considered one of the great thinkers of Chinese and East Asian philosophy, and the Analects as one of the most important artifacts of the aforementioned philosophical tradition, Confucius and his philosophical thinking were not recognized for their significance before the Han dynasty (206 B.C. 220 A.D.). Instead, Confucius and his works gained recognition and significance during the Former Han era (206 B.C. 8 A.D.), of which Confucius became known for his concept of the individual's potential for "benevolence" or ren.
In achieving benevolence or ren, Confucius prescribed several ways to strengthen one's moral character, which he thinks is the only way one can truly achieve ren. Interestingly, Confucius centers his discussion on moral character strengthening on developing one's values through the family, specifically, love, respect and loyalty to parents. Confucius prescribes that unconditional devotion to one's parents reflect the strength of the individual's character, whether love, respect, and loyalty are reciprocated or not:
The Master said, "In serving his parents, a son may remonstrate with them, but gently; when he sees that they do not

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