
Comparing St. Augustine's Confessions And Confucius

Decent Essays

Madison Blakely
Professor Fogleman
History 110A/ Monday and Wednesday 7-8:15am
8 November 2017
History Term Paper
Both St. Augustine’s Confessions and Confucius’s Analects are influential teachings that have a vast influence on people around the world in the ancient time and currently. Both doctrines discuss ethical values of society back during the time they were written and leads us to find some similarities between the two. There are substantial distinctions between Confucius and St. Augustine’s experiences and beliefs since they are living in different environments and time periods. Their insightful differences are the influences that contributed to mold the distinct philosophies and traditions between the West and the East today. I …show more content…

Augustine financial support for his education, he did not care how Augustine’s character would advance through his education. St. Augustine’s dad paid more than a richer man would pay for their son’s education because he wanted to provide Augustine with the proper education. (Confessions, II, 5). Unlike the attitude toward his father, St. Augustine showed a great deal of respect to his mother, Monica, since she was a practicing Christian (II,60). In spite of this, Augustine criticized his mother for holding him back from his sexual desire (II,8). But his father arranged his marriage and encouraged him to have children (II,6). Unlike Confucius’s teachings of remaining reverent to your parent, Augustine openly criticized his family’s wrong doings because God was his heart and only truth (II,5).
Another difference between Analects and Confessi0ons is the different believes about one’s self and the truth. Confucius believed that the Truth of life, ren, was the virtue and benevolence of human; while St. Augustine believed that God is the Truth, the heart of goodness (Confessions, II,5). In the teachings of Confucius, there was no specific God, instead, Confucius focuses on the men himself and as his character develops within the society, as he believed “it is Man who capable of broadening the Way” (Analects, XV, 29). Confucius believed in the importance of rites and ceremonies. A gentleman according to Confucius should be aware of his action and be

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