
Describe the Potential Effects of Discrimination. Ensure That You Include the Effects Discrimination Has on: the Individual; Families or Friends of the Individual; Those Who Inflict Discrimination; and the Wider Society.

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A2 Applied Business Unit 8: Business Planning Task 6 Worksheet Task Six: Financial Planning YOU CANNOT START AND/OR COMPLETE THIS WITHOUT A FINAL SALES FORECAST AND A LIST OF ALL YOUR OPERATIONAL COSTS ------------------------------------------------- Lesson breakdown ------------------------------------------------- Lesson 1: • Introduction to Financial Planning and how do we create an integrated plan: Focus on cash flow forecast using operations plan ------------------------------------------------- Lesson 2+3: Cash flow analysis and develop aims and objectives; ------------------------------------------------- Introduce ‘ILP-time-off’ work to do ------------------------------------------------- Lesson 4: Cash flow …show more content…

Profit and Loss Account 1 : Your initial forecast used to help identify problems | a) Analysis needs to consider: | I. You must have an in-depth explanation of how these could achieve the aims and objectives of your business proposal. | II. Research used to underpin and develop aims and objectives/ownership/key personnel | III. Research used to underpin and develop business idea | IV. Identify problems and solutions with your plan (develop it) and also your aims and objectives: | V. What changes to your original idea/USP/aims do you have to consider in light of this new data? | 6. MB4 Profit and Loss Account 2: A worked example of your solutions to your identified problems in P&L1 | b) Analysis needs to consider: | VI. You must have an in-depth explanation of how these could achieve the aims and objectives of your business proposal. | VII. Research used to underpin and develop aims and objectives/ownership/key personnel | VIII. Research used to underpin and develop business idea | IX. Identify problems and solutions with your plan (develop it) and also your aims and objectives: | X. What changes to your original idea/USP/aims do you have to consider in light of this new data? | FINANCIAL RATIOS | 7. Financial Ratios: Gross and Net Profit for P&L account 1 | a) Analysis needs to consider: | I. You must have an in-depth explanation of how these could

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