
Daoism And Confucianism Similarities

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Chinese Religions
1. Both Taoism and Confucianism are very similar, yet very different. They both arose in ancient China due to one pre-existing religion that branched off into two different. The two traditions share a belief in the importance of harmony and balance. This is often depicted through the interaction of yin and yang. Ying and Yang was meant to represent the idea that the universe made up many opposing, yet harmonious systems. A rejection of materiality is also held in high regard by both religions. One difference between is Confucianism has a more bigger focus on morals and ethical behaviors and Daoism focuses on inner spirituality and mentality. Another major difference is that Confucianism sees Tian as the ultimate divine being while Daoism views the Dao as supreme.
One of the biggest differences between Daoism and Confucianism is the relationship between individuals and society. In Confucianism, there is a focus on community and how social relationships are connected to spirituality. The maintenance of social harmony is very important to …show more content…

Each of these religions sees sin originating from The Fall, or when Eve ate the forbidden fruit. However, the concept of sin evolved differently for each tradition beyond this. Judaism views sin in the terms that humans are naturally imperfect and ignorant. To seek reconciliation, Jews must work to follow God’s commandments and live in close relationship to God. Muslims see sin as humans’ natural state of forgetfulness. Because people have free will to act on earth, they are held accountable to choose to act righteously by God’s will, rather than to give into temptation. Christians see all humans as sinful and believe that it is inevitable for them to act sinfully. Because of this, it is necessary for Christians to repent, confess, and ask God for forgiveness in order for their wrong-doings to be

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