
Daoism And Confucianism Similarities

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What is religion? Some of us would say that it is a system of faith and worship, but most of us would define it as a belief and worship of a grander superhuman power that people equate with God. Daoism and Confucianism, while categorized as a religion have very different outlooks in their belief in a supreme being. In comparison Shinto, Judaism and Christianity are religions based on having one God. Most of these religions share a common singular belief and that is their faith. Faith in the religion people follow will bring prosperity and balance, whether they believe in a God or a way of life.
Daoism has no founder and no true god, in fact Daoism was not consider a religion until much later in history. Daoist do not have a god in the way that most Abrahamic religions do, instead Daoist belief the …show more content…

Kami is a God or spirit which it can be either a singular being or plural which refers to a single essence manifesting in many places (Fisher 2014). According to the Shinto religion Kami harmonizes heaven and earth and also guides the solar system and the cosmos. Kami has many different ways that it can manifest itself such as; rocks, waterfalls, and animals. In a way it is almost like Christianity where there’s a God who is omnipotent. However unlike Christianity, Shinto is no easily identified as a religion because it has no singular founder like Daoism. Shinto has no orthodox cannon of sacred literature and has no explicit code of ethical requirements. It varies very differently from most religions in that aspect, however the Japanese people still believe in it as strongly as they have in ancient times. Shinto managed to survived even though it was disestablished in 1946, when the Emperor lost his divine status as part of the allied reformation of Japan (Shinto History 2009). It goes to show the true strength of faith that people had to continue with the religion even though everything was against

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