
Daoism And Buddhism Similarities

Decent Essays

Daoism and Buddhism are two religions that share some similarities but some differences as well. Daoism and Buddhism both appealed to lower classes because of the belief of how being poor or not having luxury could still get them to their peace. Daoism was more spiritual with a belief of Gods within nature. All while Buddhism had no God that was worshipped, so this religion was more self-focused. Another similarity is that both appealed to both classes because the upper class weren’t as worried about people trying to move up in classes because of these religions.

Women in the classical civilizations seemed to get put on the back burner. This was very true in Early Chinese civilization. In Mesopotamia, the first river-valley civilization, they seemed to take agriculture on and the shift from somewhat equality to male superiority was a by-product of civilization. All civilizations that came about because of agriculture had the switch of power because women could stay home to just take care of housework and children. There were exceptions to this which we see in the Indus-valley river civilizations. They had many …show more content…

When moving through Europe, Crusaders and certain cultures mixed ideas. An example of this is art, music, and intellectual discoveries. One key invention could be the improvement of shipbuilding and navigation. Without these things, we may not have discovered America or other continents. This spread many ideas and cultures as people took these ideas and shared them. These people in Europe then advanced very quickly due to the mix of ideas and cultures that had different approaches to certain things. Other effects of these Crusades were tax systems, currency switches, and invention of paper. Today we still use some of these ancient inventions like geometry and astrology. Without those ideas mixing, society wouldn’t be as advanced or as intellectual

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