
Compare And Contrast Confucianism And Islam

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Asia was shaped during the classical era by different religions that influenced it socially and politically. Confucianism and Islam are two beliefs that came about during the Classical period of China and Islam. However, they both flourished in China, and both became very different religions and philosophies. Although both beliefs possessed a few similarities, they were still two very distinct. Where the two beliefs compare in minor topics such as a caste system, they differ in beliefs as a whole. Confucianism is a philosophy, not a religion, and is a very unique idea. Whereas, Islam is in fact a religion and can be compared to the religion of Christianity. Confucianism is based upon the teaching of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. This idea focuses on bettering people and the society, educating people to be …show more content…

Confucianism is often characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy rather than a religion.The structure of Confucian social philosophy is very well thought out and organized. The study of Confucian classics during the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) gave birth to the social system designed in accordance with the Confucius theories.It social structure consistis of Scholars, who known to hold the society together, at the top. Peasants, Farmers, and Workers were next. Confucianism placed a great value on the product of food and work, therefore peasants and servants were respected some for doing work. Merchants were considered to be one step above parasites, and were the lowest in the caste system Merchants didn’t create anything, just bought and sold from one place to another, therefore they were not respected whatsoever. Islamic societies were divided into many clans, but also possessed a caste system. Their caste system consisted of priests on the top, then warriors and muslim rulers, then skilled traders and merchants, then Unskilled workers, and lastly outcasts and

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