
Confucius Lives Next Door

Decent Essays

“Confucius Lives Next Door” is a book containing the similarities and differences of the east and west. Not only does this book contain similarities and differences, but it also contains historic and modern day facts about Confucius and the Antalects. The main reason for the author writing this book was to write how Confucius has influenced the population in the east in the past, and today. The book describes how the Antalects are still part of modern education.

The quote I chose for this paragraph is in chapter 4, page 105. The quote says “A true gentleman is made, not born, says the master”. The paragraph is talking about gentleman, and how one becomes a gentleman. I agree with this statement, because when someone; boy or girl, is born, they don’t automatically open doors for others. They have to be taught how to respect people, and if the parent or guardian does not do that, the child has to teach itself. They look at how other people act and choose to be nice, polite and respectful, or rude and dishonest. This makes me feel happy, because the author is stating what I believe. …show more content…

The quote is very long, so instead of typing the whole paragraph, I will type the part that caught my attention. This says “-in other words, people feel the need to “try not to do anything that might bother other people”. This caught my attention because I wish people in the west would consider this every time they do something rude. I am not saying that everyone in the west is like this, but many people are. When someone starts being unruly and loud in a quiet place, they are being selfish. That person is bothering other people, and that is what people in the east try to avoid. Everyday confrontations, will still happen, but imagine how calm the world would be if everyone were to think of that

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