
Compare And Contrast Hinduism And Confucianism

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During Classical period (600 B.C.E - 600 C.E), religion and beliefs had a big impact on society and culture development. They helped the societies create more special characteristics, and bring social order in the societies. Hinduism in India, and Confucianism in China, both did help to influence and improve the societies deeply. Both of them introduced their moral rules, and added classes system, but they both had differences on their goals of people’s individual responsibilities, and also individuals focus. Confucianism and Hinduism both were focus on people’s individuals. They both have same ideas on solving problem of social order in self-conscious way. Confucianism in China, which established by the first Chinese thinker, and educator, Confucius ( Kongzi), whom solved political, and social problem in non- violence ways. He emphasized three important values for every individuals to process, which are “Ren”, “Li”, “Xiao”. “Ren” means kindness, and generous; “Li” means polite, and respect to your roles and duties; “Xiao“ means respect, and obey elders. Compare to Hinduism, both of them had classes to organize their societies, and people had responsibilities to fulfill their roles duties. Hinduism accepted four main castes, brahmins ( priests ), kshatriyas( warriors and aristocrats ), vaishyas ( peasants and merchants ), and shudra ( serfs ). Everyone had heavy responsibilities on accomplishing their works, which similar to Confucianism concept “Li”. They both using

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