
Non Consequentialism Research Paper

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Consequentialist and non- consequentialist
Consequentialist :
Consequentialist or teleological consideration is about result of an action, which can affect an act by an individual or a group. ( T&K, p.30). There are two types of major consequentialist ethical theories are ethical egoism and Utilitarianism. Universal E/E: everyone should act in their own self interest, the consequences of an action will affect all the parties involved. Universal egoist refers for all of us or for all human being to act on it’s self-interest. A moral ethics which imply for everyone. Universal ethical egoism is the universal doctrine that all persons should pursue their own interests exclusively. Problem with this theory is how to figure out what is in …show more content…

Distinct to act utilitarians, who try to maximize the usefulness by applying individual acts, rule utilitarian believe that we can maximize the utility only by setting up a certain set of rules. the set of rules are formed for greatest good for all humanity, correct moral rules will produce better result, and give a direction to individual actions. And individual action can be evaluate accordance to these set of rules. Some criticisms of this position point out that if the Rules take into account more and more exceptions, RU collapses into AU. More general criticisms of this view argue that it is possible to generate "unjust rules" according to the principle of utility. For example, slavery in Greece might be right if it led to an overall achievement of cultivated happiness at the expense of some mistreated individuals
Unlike consequentialist , the action opposed to outcomes , the theory is about action it-self. Non-consequentialist are not concern about outcomes or consequences, they are more focus on human action. For example , the standards of morality in this theory is to follow the set rules define or design by supernatural powers (God, Goddess) without having the concern about the outcomes. Than the action is right and the doer is good people. There are two theories in no-consequentialist category, Act non-consequentialist and Rule non-consequentialist.
Act non-consequentialist: …show more content…

But it was believed that de could be cultivated and established in positive way. For the moral self- cultivation, Confucius worked out for inclusive programme. Confucius moral philosophy and his teaching gave the China a new directions of civilization and stability. According Confucius human being are social in nature, one is bound with family, community and society. And it has different roles and responsibility in social scenario. In Confucianism there are five cardinal relationship between Ruler and subject, Father and son, Husband and wife, Elder brother and younger brother, Friend and friend. Every relation has a duty of care and responsibilities. Confucius harmony based on two virtues namely “Ren” and “Li”, Ren translated as benevolence and goodness while Li is ritual propriety. Ren is about the development of relationship between individual and community. Li is a virtue that must be cultivated to make one fully participant in

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