
Compare And Contrast Hinduism And Buddhism

Decent Essays

Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the major beliefs in many countries. And are some of the most ancient religion known to man. Hinduism is the religion of the original Aryan settlers and expounding in the Vedas and Upanishads. Buddhism comes from the word ‘Budhi’,’to awaken’. It has origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, also known as Buddha, was himself enlightened. Buddhism and Hinduism are highly regarded religions and are taken very serious.

Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, which means they believe in many Gods. Hinduism started in India in about 1500 B.C. Hindu beliefs are a combination of the beliefs of the Early Indus Valley and the early Aryans that came to India. Also, its beliefs and practices are based on the Vedas, which are a collection or hymns. Hinduism has many practices like the Brahmacharga which takes place during the school year and is focused on acquiring knowledge and developing character. Another practice in the Hindu religion is the Vanaprastha, and is practiced when a child reaches adulthood, it is a time of increased focus on spiritual things to make oneself more enlightened. In Hindu religion Hatha Yoga is a very common practice, and leads to the ultimate goal of Raja Yoga, or contemplation of one’s reality. The purpose of the yoga is to locate one’s chakras (center of energy). And this helps to remove disease in your mind and body. In Hinduism, they have a caste system divided into four parts, Brahmins which are the priests,

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