
Compare And Contrast Absolutism And Conservatism

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Liberalism and Conservatism are both drastically different ideals of government, and however different they may be, they still have many aspects in common. Liberalism is a belief in liberty and equality. This ideal focused on a representative government. On the other hand, Conservatism is a belief in old tradition- rule under a monarch, one church and methods used before the revolution. Although there may be some similarity between Liberalism and Conservatism, for the majority, they are different. Liberalism mainly focused on the population who owned property, the middle class, because its interests were focused mainly on business, and thenceforth only a small group of people benefitted from it. However, liberalism also focused on the power of an individual. It’s an idea that all humans are born smart, unique, and free. Conservatism on the other hand, focuses on practices used before the French revolution that …show more content…

Much unlike Liberalism, Conservatism is anti-democratic and believes in one religion to be practiced across the nation. In addition, Conservatives prefer to keep the status quo (basically: “If it ain’t broke why fix it? -Garfield) and maintain the class system of nobility, middle class; or bourgeoisie, or peasants. Liberalism on the other hand is about giving each person a chance to succeed in life- socially and economically. Liberalism and Conservatism have gargantuan differences and will most likely never be similar. As one flies through the timeline of world history, there will always be mutations and adaptations from each method of government (one could see specific examples of this changing of ruling from the ideal of Socialism, but that is enough to cover an entirely different paper); however, it is most unlikely, unfathomable almost, that Liberalism shall ever be remotely similar to

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